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Baby Announcement

She’s Here!

Baby Sianna is here and healthy!  I watch in awe as I get to know this soul.  She has a gentle energy that feels so darn powerful. She’s calm and she sleeps (more than we’re used to).   

For the last three weeks, Sianna and I have been in a cozy cocoon, recovering and adjusting as we land in our bodies.   

Restoration feels like steady presence, contentment, slow bliss, and deep listening
Staying quiet, eating nourishing foods, and staying in has been an intentional honoring of my body.  The slower I go the more intuitive and grounded I feel and the easier it is to connect to and support Sianna. 

It’s taken a beautiful, strong, and generous village to make this pace and peace possible. Their frequent acts of love and practical kindness are shifting me on a cellular level as I learn to simply say, “Thank you.”

Looking around my house I see flowers, clean-ish space, and a refrigerator full of meals. It feels like magic, but it’s not.  I smile knowing that this healing space is largely due to getting clear on my desires and being vulnerable enough to ask others to help me fulfill them.

Thank you all for your support and love.

Here are some questions I leaned into that were helpful and may be helpful for you too if you’re desiring to slow down a bit. 
What would life feel like if your days were slower?
Where could you receive support? 
From whom?
What would you choose to say no to?
What old beliefs would you have to put down?

Love to you,

PS- I recognize that changing from fast-paced, “capable,” adrenaline-based superhero to a vulnerable, receptive, slow, grounded and more intuitive version of yourself can be an uncomfortable transition.  It requires facing outdated belief systems, and often having hard conversations with those you love. On April 5th, Karen Kenny will help us work through those blocks in her one day workshop, “Your Story to Your Glory.”  I’ll be there, and would love to see you there too! Tickets can be found here.

Photo credit again goes to the insanely talented @maintinkerphotography

Our newest

Sister Talk

Family Gathering

Good Medicine 

What I do for hours these days!


Want to Rewrite Your Story?

Joint us April 5th with Karen Kenney
Schedule in Your Most Important Work
Links Below

Karen Kenney