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059 – Regina Verret Foster: Embracing Transformation with Celestial Support

Episode Transcript

Sarah Tacy [00:00:00]:
Welcome to Threshold Moments. Today we have with us Regina Verret Foster. Regina supports people going through transitions and awakenings by using astrology and human design as navigation and orientation tools. These modalities are more specifically to help to validate intuition and encourage change in the direction of soul alignment. Welcome, Regina. You’re a mama of 2, and that’s a big deal. And you’re a wife, and that’s a big deal. Because those are all, like, really play into the constellation of how we experience work and experience life.

Sarah Tacy [00:00:41]:
That you have been in the birth work world for a while. And I think we’ll be talking about that a bit in here. And then I might also just say that I think at some point, we’ll talk about a transition you made from corporate to what I just described, but I wanted to do more like present time in that intro.

Regina Foster [00:01:02]:
I feel like you really nailed it, especially where I’m moving more towards because I do have an element of birth work and postpartum work that I do in my, in my company now that’s changing. And so I know we’ll talk about threshold moments and different things like that, but I, I’m at a moment where things are shifting in those areas, and I’m moving more towards the energetic and metaphysical work as well. So I feel like I feel like you really encompassed what I what I am focusing on

Sarah Tacy [00:01:31]:
mostly. Mhmm.

Regina Foster [00:01:32]:
How do you

Sarah Tacy [00:01:33]:
sometimes I listen to my own podcast. And when I do, what I love is that I hear the intro to the podcast, and I often forget it because I’m not saying it out loud before each one. So the intro Sarah, Threshold Moments is a podcast where guests and I share stories about the process of updating into truer versions of ourselves. The path is unknown, and the pull feels real. Together, we share our grief, laughter, love, and life saving tools. And this, for me, just feels really perfect for our conversation today. I’m wondering if you could take us back to law school, maybe.

Regina Foster [00:02:20]:
That feels good.

Sarah Tacy [00:02:22]:
And how you felt in your body? What motivated you? And at what point did you notice that something was out of alignment?

Regina Foster [00:02:37]:
Oh, there are so many moments. I went to law school specifically to get into a niche field, international and human rights law. And I specifically wanted to work with women And I knew that I’ve always wanted to work with women. I don’t know, since I was in like middle school, it would be just a thing. I just felt like I’m here to work with other women. I’ve really felt that really deeply in my soul. And I’ve always been interested in other cultures, other countries. And that started in college.

Regina Foster [00:03:07]:
I started really getting into that and I was born into my family or family of immigrants, right? My parents immigrated here from Haiti. And so I was born into a multicultural environment where I had to integrate who I was from being at home and in my, like, Haitian parents, my Haitian family, multilingual setting to going out and being in in the nineties in America, in Florida, where you really shouldn’t be from anywhere else. So so that was an imprint on me, and I I just knew, okay, I’m going to to law school. I really want to work doing nonprofit work. I wanna do international human rights law. I wanna work with UN. I have those, like, sort of ideals. And in law school, I it was a very competitive environment.

Regina Foster [00:03:49]:
I do think that there was a lot of support and a lot of people would rally together to study, get together, but it was competitive. And I do feel like, you know, I was confronted with my ego in a lot of different ways, especially in class and especially, you know, it was the first time I realized that I think differently than the group in a lot of ways, because there was a lot of posturing wrong. Wrong. And I just believed them. So that would happen over and over and over again. So I definitely felt a lot of pressure in law school. I felt depressed at different points. I felt like I was on the right path, but then I had moments of just complete and utter disillusionment.

Regina Foster [00:04:33]:
I ended up going for a summer to work at a nonprofit in Cameroon. And it was wonderful, but I just became really disillusioned with the nonprofit world. Became disillusioned with the whole concept of why I even went to law school. I was like, oh, this is what I’m going to be doing, but I I hate it. I hate it. And I think it’s actually being done wrong. So, you know, that was like the first ping of, like, what do I do now? I have this information. And I know that I don’t wanna necessarily work in the international nonprofit sphere because what I found while I was in Cameroon is that, yes, I was working with an, a Cameroonian organization, but everything they did was at the behest of who was giving them the donations.

Regina Foster [00:05:15]:
And we’d have these conversations with other civil society organizations. We talked to the village. We knew what the actual ever present issues were and what were most important to work on, but we had to pivot and work on whatever it is UNICEF wanted to work on or whatever it is, you know, the donations and the grants that they were getting coming from, they would pivot it to fit their initiatives for that year, not the actual country’s initiatives. So it really bothered me. It really bothered me, and it just seems like there was no end to that and that it couldn’t be fixed. And it was just such a deep issue and problem that wasn’t gonna be easily fixed. So I left that world not knowing where to go next with things. And then come graduation, I was with my now husband.

Regina Foster [00:06:01]:
He was looking for a job. We were trying to figure out life. I didn’t wanna just go into a career that basically is, you know, 1 year contracts and you don’t know what country you’re gonna be in. And it’s a bit of a hard life and I have a really good friend who’s like really doing it. And she’s been working these 1 year, 2 year contracts for, you know, 12 years at this point. And it’s hard. It’s really difficult. I just knew he was the one that I was going to marry.

Regina Foster [00:06:25]:
And so I was like, okay, let’s look for something in DC because it could still be an international organization. But I ended up working with this corporation that I started working with part time in law school. And that’s how I got into my corporate gig. So that’s like part 1.

Sarah Tacy [00:06:41]:
What was your corporate gig?

Regina Foster [00:06:43]:
So I started out as like a researcher or account trainer for a company that did a lot of legal technology and worked with the largest law firms in the world, basically. So it was legal technology. Everybody in my job was a lawyer, but I didn’t have to practice. And so that was one thing that I really wanted because if I were to go straight into a law firm, I knew it would be, you know, 60 to a 100 hour weeks. And I wanted to have some sort of balance in my life. And I was like, okay, with this job, my salary’s okay. You know, eventually I did get to 6 figures within like a couple of years, but it wasn’t there yet. But it was like, I can live off of the salary, and I can support my boyfriend at the time who didn’t have a job yet because he was still looking.

Regina Foster [00:07:24]:
It was this really hard time for, you know, legal jobs and I could work 40 to 65 hours a week. I knew it wouldn’t go over 65 hours a week. So I was like, okay, work, life balance. I got it. And then 1st day, 1st morning meeting, I had so much nausea just from like hearing the morning meeting and what we were doing and like the job that I was in. And it was just like overwhelming me, overwhelming my system. I just knew I wasn’t in the right place. But I don’t know how to explain this.

Regina Foster [00:07:53]:
It’s just, it’s a gross example, but it’s like when you drink too much and you’re now in a public setting and it’s the next Tacy, and, you know, you have this certain sensation that you need to expel everything from the night before, like amethyst essentially, and you can’t, so you swallowed it back down because you’re in a public place. So that’s how it felt to me. I had to swallow all that nausea back down because, okay, I have this awareness that I’m not supposed to be here, but where am I gonna go? I have an apartment to pay for. My boyfriend doesn’t have a job yet. I have just went through law school. I have all this debt to pay off. So I just sat in that for 10 years before I transitioned.

Sarah Tacy [00:08:32]:
So, yeah. I think this is so important for the listeners to hear. I don’t know everybody who listens to the podcast, but I do know a handful of listeners. And beyond that, I just know that there are so many people who are in a place in their life where they know it’s not fully aligned. So what I do hear is that you did hear callings early on, and your calling has always been clear that you want to work with women. And I also hear wanting multicultural, and I hear wanting maybe even for the purpose of people being free to be who they are and having access to resource.

Regina Foster [00:09:14]:

Sarah Tacy [00:09:15]:
that resource can come in many ways. And so I just wanna say, like, me knowing a little bit more about the work you do now. And then we track that. We track that there’s something. We give something a try, and then it’s all information. But then I’m gonna just say that I hear and honor, and I think this is where a lot of listeners can really grab on and say, like, me too, when it’s, like, great information that I shouldn’t be here, but I’m not somebody who is just being handed money from somebody else on the outside who just says, oh, that didn’t work. Now just go try something else. Like, I have rent to pay for.

Sarah Tacy [00:09:50]:
I have another human in my life that I’m also supporting. I have student debt, and I know I’m out of alignment. And I’m wondering. So there’s, like, the in between place of I think it’s, like, episode 2 where I talk about the cycle of awareness where there’s, like, your normal way of being. And then there’s this, like like, that morning meeting, which would be, like, the first chafing of like something comes into the field where you know that it’s no longer right. But then there can either be this dramatic thing of a surgery or an accident or it can be like chafing over time. And so it’s like unbearable, but along the way, you’re looking for what else is available. And I guess I’m wanting to, like, just highlight this.

Sarah Tacy [00:10:40]:
I know various people in various spots that sound similar. I can think of myself in a different version in a different way where sometimes that it’s not just the fertile void. There’s also the chaos and confusion state in between that and the fertile void that we’d like it to last 3 months, like, a quarter of a season might. But instead, it’s like, it’s been years, 10 years, 20 years. So I’m I’m just re highlighting that. And then asking, were there little steps, like, little things that you were picking up on along the way that helped resource you and then led to something that you couldn’t have you couldn’t have known without living through the way you did in 10 years?

Regina Foster [00:11:24]:
I mean, I do think it was really helpful to be with them for 10 years. I don’t think I should have stayed 10 years, but I do think that it helped me grow in a lot of ways. I mean, I got this job when I was 26, and I was just learning kind of the ways of how I can show up in a professional environment. And, you know, through the years, as I learned the lingo, as I got used to the type of accounts that we had and the type of people I was working with and, you know, the type of lingo I had to use. It became a part of me, and I liked the prestige of my job. I liked being able to, you know, speak to really high powered people. I got kind of in the game of things. Like I got very acclimated to that life and that environment.

Regina Foster [00:12:04]:
There was plenty of signals. There are plenty of signals in my body because that’s where I feel at first that something’s not right. And it was just like building and building and it starts out so subtle, but but then it just kept building and building and building. But there was a good run of ignoring those signals for a really long time and just getting in the game, playing it, and trying to like elevate up the ranks of the corporate world and all of that. It was about 2 years before I had my my child, I came upon this doula association down the street from my house. I was like doing a yoga class in this old mansion that they did different classes in, and it was in Brooklyn and just fun and beautiful. And I saw this flyer and I’m like, what’s a doula? I think I had no idea at the time. And I just, I went to their little through their orientation, and my mind was blown in it.

Regina Foster [00:12:55]:
I call this south node energy. I call it energy of just, like, remembering because it felt so intrinsic to who I was. It felt so aligned. I was like, how did I not know about this work? How did I not know that you can stand with a woman and support her so fully in this environment? And my mind was so blown and it, again, it felt so familiar. I don’t know how else to explain it. It felt like it had been work that I’ve done before, even though I had never heard of it before. So I went through doula training. I started supporting mamas.

Regina Foster [00:13:25]:
I started supporting my family. I started just like when I really get into into things, I’m like, have you heard the good news? I’m like, this is the first time I’m like, they’re revitalizing to everyone. So, yeah, my family was really sick of me at this point. So, so I was going around, and I was just I was obsessed with it. And I still had, you know, I’m in New York city. I have an apartment in Brooklyn at this point. The first job was in Boston. So I moved from DC to Boston.

Regina Foster [00:13:53]:
Then I had gotten a promotion. I moved to New York and it was just, you know, I was in the right place at the right time, for sure. And I felt this calling to really fully be in birth work to even maybe go to midwifery school. So I started making plans to leave my job eventually, but it was not the right time. We both had work at this point. Things were really nice financially for us. And it’s New York City. You really do need money.

Regina Foster [00:14:17]:
So we were kind of like, okay, this will be our long term planning goal. We’ll all eventually go

Regina Foster [00:14:22]:
to midwifery school, then maybe we’ll move from New York. We’ll see.

Regina Foster [00:14:26]:
So I just started being in that energy. And I had my, my first daughter and she was a home birth and that rocked my world. Like it really did. My body started in postpartum. I just had so many like health stuff come up for me, like so many thyroid issues, fatigue. And I had postpartum anxiety the entire time that I was on maternity leave. And I think because I knew I had to go back to work. Like I was feeling like the flow and everything of motherhood.

Regina Foster [00:14:53]:
There was something in the back of my brain, like, don’t get used to this. You know you have to get back to work. You know you have to put yourself back on a schedule. Don’t go with the flow. So every day, there was, like, something in the back of my brain just not allowing me to relax and just having this anxiety about leaving my baby. And we’re in America. Everybody was like, oh my gosh. You’re so lucky.

Regina Foster [00:15:11]:
They changed the policy. It’s now 16 weeks, and it’s all paid. How amazing. And I’m like, I did not feel good with my leaving my daughter. She was not taking a bottle at that time. So she would wait for me to come home every day after work and be so cranky and be so exhausted and depleted, and I would feel all of that too. And I’d feel so stressed out at work, pumping, depleted, and I would feel all of that too. And I’d feel so stressed out at work, pumping, knowing that she’s not drinking any milk because we structured our leaves very differently.

Regina Foster [00:15:40]:
When I went back to work, my husband took his paternity leave. Thank goodness. But he was there with a cranky baby who didn’t wanna eat all day. So it was really, really tough during that time. And my body did not adjust to not being pregnant. I was definitely 15 to £20 overweight from when I started. And so that was affecting me in a lot of ways too. So none of my work close fit, and I would go back to work and I would just feel like I didn’t know who I was.

Regina Foster [00:16:06]:
I just I lost all of me. I lost all parts of me. I wanted to be home, and it got just so much more competitive at work. I had recently gotten a promotion, and so I was doing different things. It was not where I wanted to be because I was trying to think like maiden Regina, like Regina before before I had my child, and I couldn’t. And I was, you know, messing up at work. I felt like I was messing up at home. I felt just like scattered and all over the place.

Regina Foster [00:16:28]:
And it was just one of the the darkest times of my life. And just knowing how much I was like, I need to leave this place. We really have to figure this out. So that was like halfway. That was like 4 years into my time at this company. And so I, you know, I just kept going, basically. So I got pregnant again, and I was like, this time, after maternity leave, I’m gone. They deserve it.

Regina Foster [00:16:49]:
I don’t care. Like, I’m doing it. So I did, and I had my Sarah baby. We decided to move right before, but I was still, like, I was between Maine and New York. And so I still felt like I lived in New York until I actually took my maternity leave in November, like weeks before I was due for my second. And, the same thing started happening. I had that postpartum anxiety, like, don’t get used to this. You have to get back to work.

Regina Foster [00:17:13]:
Then there was like another voice, like, you’re quitting after this. Like, it’s okay. You can get used to this. And as I was, you know, getting out of my shell, I’m now in Maine fully. I gave up my apartment in Brooklyn. I have no friends. The only people I have access to are my in laws, which they’re wonderful. But that’s all I had.

Regina Foster [00:17:32]:
And my in laws and my husband and we were there and we were isolated. And then I had my Sarah in the middle of winter, you know, in December. And finally, when I was getting out of my cocoon, it was March of 2020. So of course, everything shut down. And then I was like, well, now I’m working from home completely. So so I might as well stay with this job a little longer. And that’s when physically I started dying. Little by little, I was on autopilot completely.

Regina Foster [00:18:00]:
I wasn’t sleeping. You were still had to kind of pretend you didn’t have kids, even though it was pandemic and everyone had their kids in the background, but it still had to be like, mommy’s working, mommy’s working. And there was a point that my oldest started drawing and she drew this computer and she would pretend that she was working. Like, that’s when I was like, I need to do something. She’s like, no, not now I’m working. And she’d plan her paper computer. And I was like, something’s not right. I really gotta stop this, because I’m ignoring my family.

Regina Foster [00:18:30]:
I’m ignoring myself. I feel awful. I draw comfort from food. I’m just eating whatever I want and I feel sluggish and awful and terrible. And I feel dead inside. I was very dead inside at that point. You know, I wasn’t connecting with anyone, not my children, not my baby, not my husband, not anyone. At work, they could tell that I’m I was there, but not there.

Regina Foster [00:18:51]:
So like my whole life, in a very subtle way, was just breaking down. And I was amorphously sick. And I still to this day, like I fixed my health issues. It’s still a struggle to figure out what it is my body needs, But I was really, really, really dying inside. Like my heart, like everything. It was just all gone. I wasn’t in my body. I don’t know where I went, but I wasn’t in my body at all.

Regina Foster [00:19:14]:
And that’s when astrologically Uranus hit my sun and I just quit. I was like, okay, 2/22/22 sounds like an awesome date. That’s gonna be when I tell them and I don’t care. And I, you know, after 10 years of planning this, I had some savings, but I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been after 10 years of knowing I shouldn’t be at this job. But I was like, I cannot take it anymore. They’re either gonna fire me soon or I’ve gotta go because I can’t hide it anymore. I can’t be a shadow of myself. So I quit.

Regina Foster [00:19:45]:
And before that, I’d been running in the woods and the whole plan was to quit and go to midwife preschool. But then I think Sarah, you know, I work with a lot of rebirth clients, and that’s what I’ve been doing in the birth world since. And so there was a breakdown of belief systems and what I actually wanted to do and how I wanted to work with clients. So midwifery school wasn’t even the end goal, and that’s why I stayed in the job 2 more years longer than I was supposed to. So I didn’t know what I was gonna do. It was like a fertile void moment. I’m like, okay. It’s what it is.

Sarah Tacy [00:20:17]:
And I just pause. So for the listeners, when you say free birth, that means without a midwife there?

Regina Foster [00:20:23]:
Yes. Yeah. It’s like an autonomous birth where you are just with your family or a layperson that’s there supporting you, not a medical professional. So, yeah, free birth in that regard. And that’s what I had with my with my Sarah. And it was just the most amazing transformative experience that I could have had. And I wanted to focus on that. I wanted to empower other people to do that or guide other people to do that, receive the power within themselves.

Regina Foster [00:20:51]:
And that obviously does not necessarily, you know, coincide with the lessons of midwifery, if that makes sense. So I didn’t know what to do. So I was like, I’m gonna quit, but then what am I gonna do? And yeah, I was running through the woods. And at the time I had been really into human design, really into astrology. And that’s how I was like slowly healing myself. And I had this awakening moment. And as I was running through the woods, like I literally heard a voice saying, why don’t you read charts? I’m like, what do you need? And I literally, I stopped what I was doing and everything. And I’m like, oh, and then from there, I just started, like, I read all of my family’s charts, their human design and their astrology.

Regina Foster [00:21:31]:
I started going into the depths of astrology and human design, like obsessively. I have so many books. I have so many like resources that I would just dig into. I was taking class after class. I’m still in programs now and the rest is history, essentially. Like I totally pivoted and had enough energy and strength to say that I was gonna actually work with people in a free birthing for the birth work that I do. And that’s how the celestial womb was created. So, yeah.

Sarah Tacy [00:22:01]:
So I want to point out a few things. So that before you heard a voice, you had already decided to leave. Yes. So what I want to say for my listeners too, is that, you know, if you’re waiting to hear a voice, it may not come in the form of someone like saying what the answer is and that Regina has given an example too of still making moves with a knowing within her body and all the signs from outside. And then I wanna say that I have an experience in the past where I literally heard a voice. It was, like, one message, 1 week, and the next week, a follow-up message. And it was so clear on what I was supposed to do, and it was, like, really scary. Both of the messages were really scary.

Sarah Tacy [00:22:49]:
Like, I can’t do that. I don’t wanna do that. Just give me 3 months to figure it out. Like like, I was, like, bartering with God. Like, can you just give me 3 months to figure it out? And it was like and then physical things started, like, shattering when I wasn’t following through. Most of my life that doesn’t I don’t hear with that clarity, but I do wanna say that I’ve heard various interviews, not just on my podcast, when people do have the I heard a voice moment, and it feels different than hearing a voice in your head. Like, it feels different than, like, you’re tracking the thoughts in your brain. It’s like something that you wouldn’t think to say yourself that often can, like, like you said, you just stopped.

Sarah Tacy [00:23:31]:
And, like, it kind of, like, throws you for, like, wait. Really? Are you sure? Like, does that make sense? Should I do out a business plan to see if that’s a good idea? But when you hear it, you can’t ignore it. Like, it’s interesting how we can ignore signs in our body, and eventually our body will win generally. But also if one were to ever have a moment of hearing a voice, it’s near impossible to ignore. And so I love that the next step was I feel like where I’m just like, here’s a step by step handbook. The next step that we’re outlining is trying the services out with loved ones and friends and family. Because I think we get we can learn a lot from, like, you’ve studied so much. But the way you say it, do people understand it.

Sarah Tacy [00:24:20]:
Right? Like, you can still get feedback. And I can also imagine that the way you had to study for law school and the way I have a friend, Jennifer Racioppi, who is also on here, who is also an astrologer. I have a really hard time understanding astrology. I understand the body way better. I imagine understanding astrology is a bit like one who understands the body where you see all these different parts and how they relate to each other. In that way, it feels highly scientific. And I could imagine that the way your brain had to work for law would also help you. Like, would be a brain that would work well for gathering all the information that one must know for astrology or human design.

Regina Foster [00:25:08]:
I completely agree with you. And I also wanna say that the voice thing, it’s not usually how things come to me. It’s first through my body exactly what you said. So and it still hasn’t been like a common occurrence, and that’s why it was so kind of earth shattering for me. So I do completely agree with you. And when I started really deeply studying astrology, because astrology has been part of my life, my whole life, but I didn’t know you could even go into the depths of how much you could go into. I started out with like Linda Goodman books, which are books from the seventies when everybody was trying to make astrology more accessible. So had things on the sun signs, and I knew my moon sign my whole life, and I knew the energies didn’t really connect well with each other.

Regina Foster [00:25:47]:
And I would read like books about how do you align with a Cancer boss or, you know, a Taurus boss or anything like that. And it works, but I had no idea how deep you could go in until, you know, 2019 or something like that. So I will say, yeah, it’s absolutely scientific. And when I went into the depths of it, it was the first time that I could speak the language that I was learning really well. It all just clicked, like, very easily for me. I could just track the patterns and the abstractions of how you can look at astrology, and it was the first time in my life I didn’t have to, like, speak a different language to meld with the mainstream, if that makes sense. Like, it’s the first time my brain was like, yeah, I get it. Whereas my whole schooling life has been like, okay, sit down and focus and, like, try to say it in a way that people can understand you.

Regina Foster [00:26:39]:
And that’s that you can see in my chart as well. Like I have Chiron in Gemini, which is the wound of words and like in thinking, and I think very differently than, I guess, a linear thinker or just someone just in a, you know, typical classroom or or what have you. And so it’s the first time in my life, first time that I’m like, oh, I understand this. This is really cool. So yeah.

Sarah Tacy [00:27:02]:
I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to articulate this well. I’m just seeing a connection. And maybe you’ve said it so it’s obvious between having Haitian parents and growing up in Florida and feeling like you have to suppress one part of you that probably feels like really alive and known, but not welcomed, and trying to figure out, like, what version of myself can I be that would be welcomed and accepted? And that as you come into this work with astrology, that there is like a returning to a part of you where you go, oh, this is home. It doesn’t necessarily look like helping people through law or how other, like, the western colonized areas of the US would say, like, this is success. This is how you must talk. This is the lingo. But that now you can find something that’s just like, this clicks because it’s in alignment with me.

Regina Foster [00:27:59]:
Yeah. Oh my gosh. A 100%. You’re really good about tying everything even in ways that I didn’t even realize. But, yes, that was so, so spot on. Yeah, exactly. It was just the first time ever that I could understand what I was doing. And that’s why I’m just, I’m such a fan of astrology.

Regina Foster [00:28:14]:
I’m such a fan of metaphysics. I’m a metaphysical nerd. Like, that’s what I do all day. I’m, like, just deep in the depths of trying to understand the universe. And, yeah, it just changed my life in so many different ways. So I I spent the 1st year of my business as people were asking me what I do. Qualifying it though, I will say, You know, I had a lot of parents ask me, because my daughter goes to school around here, oh, what is it that you do? And I’m like, well, I started my own business and I, you know, do birth work as well as astrology. But I used to be an attorney before.

Regina Foster [00:28:47]:
I was an attorney, you know, like I had to qualify it in some sort of way. And I stopped doing that. And partially because I don’t like hiding. I don’t wanna be that person anymore. I’ve hidden my entire life. You know, when I was leaving, I did tell them exactly what I was doing and I did not hide it. And I was so well received by my colleagues. It was kind of incredible.

Regina Foster [00:29:06]:
And it’s the first time I really realized that there is such a shift in our collective. Like our consciousness is just so much more expanded. Even, you know, in 2022, people were really opening up in a way that they haven’t before. Whereas everybody, you know, I would say in the nineties were like, oh, that astrology, that pseudoscience, it’s, it’s not real. It’s, it’s ridiculous. I can’t believe you read the horoscope. It’s very different now. And I feel like it’s just so much more mainstream, and it’s only going to continue.

Regina Foster [00:29:34]:
Like our consciousness is only going to continue to expand beyond what we think as time goes on with the different trends I’m

Sarah Tacy [00:29:41]:
seeing. I can imagine that in your colleagues, seeing you take a leap, I can imagine that for many of them, there’s also been a small call to a different way of being. And so when you told them the truth of what you were doing, I can imagine the celebration is even just like their own body in alignment of like, oh my God. That’s so brave. That’s so courageous. I also imagine that there’s generally, like, 2 sides where there could also be some people who are super judgy because they feel like it would never be possible for them or that, you know, they can put all the judgments on. But it’s so great to say like, well, that’s not mine to hold. So I’m just gonna tell you what is me, and you can do with it as you please.

Sarah Tacy [00:30:34]:
And how lovely to be surprised by support instead of expecting it and not getting it. Like, to be surprised by support is really like an added bonus. Sometimes my teacher will say, like, what if it’s just a bonus there? Right? Like, if I’m so healthy within myself and, you know, the closest relational dynamics I have that all beautiful friends or anything else, it’s like a bonus. Like I’m not looking or needing to draw on it. You know, my my parents, we were on a walk and they said, you know, Sarah, and I think maybe it was my dad who said it. He’s like, I’m really proud of you. And he was talking about the podcast. And it was this moment.

Sarah Tacy [00:31:16]:
And this also just happened with my husband a few weeks ago separately, where I realized I was, like, never waiting for their approval. And maybe because I, like, I know that they would support me, but, like, I was not waiting for their approval to keep going. When he said that, it was just this added bonus of, like, oh, thank you. That’s so nice. And I was also celebrating. I didn’t wait for it. I didn’t even realize I hadn’t waited for it. So, yeah, in this moment, celebrating the moments where when people give us their honor or appreciation of a decision that it’s a bonus.

Sarah Tacy [00:31:52]:
It’s not what’s gonna make it okay or not okay for us.

Regina Foster [00:31:55]:
Exactly. Yes. I had to learn that a lot along the way. I mean, a lot of what I did in life was to be approved of in a lot of ways, especially with my, my parents and their expectations and what they saw was possible for me, especially them immigrating through this country and seeing what works. And for them, it was, you’re gonna either be a doctor or you’re gonna be a lawyer. So pick 1. And I’m really excited for you. And they were so proud of me when I graduated law school and so proud of me when I went into the corporate world and then corporate environment.

Regina Foster [00:32:30]:
But they have been amazingly supportive with this pivot in my life, though they do not understand it. And my father definitely is still very afraid for me. He’s just like, You know, the kids are young now, but they’re gonna get older. So you might as well just get back to work. Right. Like, and I am working, but he doesn’t, there’s just such a disconnect for him. And I don’t know when the, when the understanding will come, but I’m okay with there not being understanding at this point, because I feel so alive in myself and in my being.

Sarah Tacy [00:33:04]:
I wanna ask you a question about human design and astrology. And there’s one more thing that I wanna say, which is that I have been in scenario a few times where I’m with other Sarah, and they’re not, like, in my closest friend group. And one time I was sitting at a gathering and someone goes, hey, what do you do for work? It was like a whole group of women. What do you do for work? My daughter tells me you’re a witch. And and I was like, oh, that’s so interesting. I am.

Regina Foster [00:33:39]:
Awesome. I love it. I love it.

Sarah Tacy [00:33:41]:
I was like, if you think about a witch, which, you know, is someone who sees deeper and sees beyond and is there for the way that I see it is there to give medicine and to help heal. And then I went into, like, some of the work trying to describe, like, the work that I do do. And I just said, I think the patriarchy has put a really negative spin on that word, but I love to reclaim it, and I feel so seen.

Regina Foster [00:34:07]:
So thank you. It would be

Sarah Tacy [00:34:08]:
another time just like a few weeks ago that someone’s like, so what do you do? And to describe somatic experiencing is really hard. Like, sometimes I’ll just be like, I’m a yoga teacher because I did that for almost 20 years. And I found myself going back like, oh, I used to work with professional athletes. And then I help people who, like, were you know, I went through this whole thing of, like, how prominent or, like, what I did or how much I traveled to teach other people and to kind of, like, separate myself and differentiate myself. And some of it is my story. And it was funny because then I’m, like, going through a 20 year story to say, like, what do I do? And I’m like, what do you do? And she is like, I’m an architect, and the other person goes, I’m a doctor. It’s just those moments where I’m like, it’s just so hard to describe, but the work that we do, you and I can attest to the way it can support and change lives. And that it often has to be experienced to be known.

Sarah Tacy [00:35:05]:
And that is why it can be really hard for people who aren’t experiencing it firsthand to understand it. So I just wanted jump in with that.

Regina Foster [00:35:14]:

Sarah Tacy [00:35:19]:
Maybe next time I’ll just lead with, like, I’m a witch, and the conversation will just stop and end.

Regina Foster [00:35:24]:
Yeah. You know, I I feel like I’m gonna have to do something like that. Or you’re an alchemist of sorts. Like, that’s what made up me when you were describing what you do. And I was like, yeah, you’re an alchemist. You’re a healer. Like, that’s just who you are. You’re a weaver in a lot of ways too, because even in this experience with you, you’re able to follow the threads of conversation and weave it together in a way that is just so unique and beautiful and so spot on.

Regina Foster [00:35:53]:
So you have a lot of amazing things that you do and amazing gifts that just come out while you’re doing, you know, podcasts or while you’re doing the somatic work that you can’t necessarily quantify through conversation. You’re right. They have to experience it. So.

Sarah Tacy [00:36:10]:
I would if I could give you a little praise back. It was before this conversation started. We pulled the card, which was really fun. Maybe we’ll say something about that. But also, we were talking about the podcast, and you’re like, well, you’re a generator. So it makes sense that if this, then that. And I don’t know if you pulled something from the chart too, but I was like, same thing with your ability to weave, to, like, know information about my chart, but then to see what I’m doing in real life. And when you said it, it helped me to understand how some of the flows of my conversations go and why they might go that way, which is why when I did your bio, I Sarah, use as a navigation tool, but also orientation.

Sarah Tacy [00:36:54]:
And something that Kate Northrop and I were just talking about the other day is that sometimes some of the most healing nervous system work can even just be to have words that orient you to space and time so that you don’t feel like you’re just spinning in the cosmos with no direction. But to go like, oh, of course, you’re feeling this way. Let me show you this on a graph. And for me, they’re like nervous system graphs. Right? And for you, it’d be like the cosmology.

Regina Foster [00:37:19]:
I don’t know if that’s

Sarah Tacy [00:37:20]:
the proper word for it.

Regina Foster [00:37:22]:
Yeah. That’s exactly it. That’s exactly it. And I I go back to this because I had a friend who’s no longer a friend now. She used to work on herself all of the time. She’s incredible and she still is an incredible person. She struggled with getting support and help and having other people see her because she would get very defensive and she’d get, her walls would go up. So she didn’t really take kindly to advice.

Regina Foster [00:37:45]:
She didn’t take kindly to somebody else reading her chart. For example, she was an astrologer as well. I kept going back to this feeling and this quote of we cannot see ourselves without a mirror. So we, we of course have our own resonant energy, right? It just it’s so different when someone else sees you, when someone else can point the blocks that you have out, when someone else can see an unconscious pattern happening over and over again and point it out so that you open up a new recess in your brain and it becomes known to you. So I do think it’s really important that we work together and we, we see each other in a way that maybe we’re just blocks from seeing ourselves. And that’s why I love this work.

Sarah Tacy [00:38:27]:
Oh, the work I do actually stems from a school called alchemical alignment, which is why I loved when you called it alchemical.

Regina Foster [00:38:33]:
That’s amazing. And one

Sarah Tacy [00:38:36]:
of the phrases that Bridget Vixens will use is accurate reflection, like, the power of accurate reflection. And it also made me laugh because the yoga studio was specifically for privates, not for classes. And there was a mirror up on the wall because it used to be a Pilates studio, and I chose not to take it down. In the yoga world, there was this often, like, this thing of, like, take down all the mirrors so people aren’t looking at themselves. They should be be able to feel it inside. But something that I know from doing research and development for sports performance agency for, like, a while was that once we have a certain pattern, once we’ve done something 300 times to 500 times, we it no longer goes up to the conscious regions of our brain. So I could think that both of my arms are straight, Tacy, in down dog. I could think both of my arms are straight.

Sarah Tacy [00:39:28]:
And so the teacher could be like, straighten your left arm, straight. And I would just assume they’re talking to someone else because it feels a 100% straight. So it would take someone from the outside telling me that it’s different than how I’m perceiving it from the inside, or it would take looking in a mirror. I had a client once who was doing a twist, and he opened up his eyes and he just started laughing out loud. I was like, what’s going on, dude? And he was like, I just thought that I must look like you because this twist feels so deep that I feel like I’m an owl and I’m a butt. And he just kinda, like, turned, like, 5 degrees, and that was as far as he was going. And so as, again, it was just, like, great. It’s so true that this is a really deep twist for you.

Sarah Tacy [00:40:09]:
And you’ve moved 5 degrees, which is great. It’s just like some accurate reflection. Right? So having both the internal and the the external and when they match up, when they do eventually match up, how attuned and oriented you can be and how settling that is for the nervous system. And also, like, clarifying of next steps.

Regina Foster [00:40:30]:
Yeah. Absolutely. I love that. Thank you for sharing.

Sarah Tacy [00:40:33]:
I wanna kind of go out on the question about April 8th. So I’m gonna tell you the 2 questions I have. 1 is around human design. I feel like a lot of my listeners don’t know about it, so I don’t know if we’d have time to, like, say a thing or 2. And then also the question of, like, like, how sometimes a category can help because of accurate reflection, and sometimes it can be confining. And just wondering if you ever see the way that it can be confining where someone could, like, give up their power in certain well, that’s just my design. That would be one question. And the other question is around April 8th, because this podcast is gonna come out on the second.

Regina Foster [00:41:11]:
Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. So human design for people that don’t know, I I guess I’ll give a quick and dirty, explanation of what it is. It’s a mapping system. And when you’re looking at the particular chart, it’s called a body graph. And so the body graph has, like, 9 energy centers on it, and they’re all very similar and related to your chakra system.

Regina Foster [00:41:32]:
So it’s the head, the Ajna is related to your 3rd eye. The head is related to the crown. The throat center is your actual throat chakra. The g center is they break up the heart center, if that makes sense. This g center is identity and love, and the heart center in human design is actually the ego and the will. And then you have your solar plexus, which is the emotional center, and you have your sacral, which is the life force energy and what, if you have it colored in, you’d be a generator. So there’s 5 different types of energy, within human design. And then you have your clinic area and your root center.

Regina Foster [00:42:06]:
So there’s a lot of energy centers and you read that body graph according to the energy centers, and it pulls from the Kabbalah, the Yuchang, the tropical astrology, biometrics. It was a channeled system. So its creation is definitely contested and it’s something of controversy, but I do believe in channeling. So I really do love this system and it’s, it’s also made to be experimented with, so you kind of check it out for yourself and see if it works as well. But the whole premise of it is that, you know, you have 5 different energy types and that’s the most important thing to know is your energy type. You’re either a generator, a manifesting generator, a projector, a manifestor, or a reflector. And that’ll determine your strategy and authority, which is how you, again, respond to life, how you have your aura work in alignment for you. And so if you’re a generator, for instance, your strategy is to wait to respond.

Regina Foster [00:42:58]:
And that doesn’t mean just sitting around twiddling your thumbs. It means that things come to you and they show themselves in your external environment in a lot of ways. And then if you’re a sacral generator, you respond with your gut. Just like I knew I wasn’t supposed to be in that job, and I had this, like, gut feeling to the point of nausea that I was not supposed to be Sarah, and I ignored it. And I suffered for it as a result. But those quick signals, you know, you could be an emotional generator and you have to kind of wait for emotional clarity or to be emotionally neutral before making these really big decisions in your life. So it’s just this, like, graphing system that’ll tell you the easiest way to work with your own energy. And I found human design to be so resonant and so able to get me back in my body more so than anything, even more so than astrology, because medical astrology is the other like body physical point of astrology.

Regina Foster [00:43:50]:
And it’s, it’s very different. It still acts very different than what human design can do for you. And astrology brought me to just the deepest parts of my own psyche. It brought me to understanding why I am the way that I am, all these things that I’ve tried to shut out because it’s just unusual or weird. Like why did I wanna become a nun at 11 years old? I don’t know, but there’s this huge spiritual point in my chart that makes it all make sense. So it’s an incredible system it’s meant to play around with, to experiment with. And yeah, I guess that’s not so quick and dirty.

Sarah Tacy [00:44:24]:
Oh, that was It was amazing. I heard even at the end when you had the none part was, like, the affirming. You know, the affirming of what’s there so that you can stop trying to do things the way everybody else does it and go like, oh, this is and the way that I’ve heard Tal Darden say for human design is seeing it like, oh, here is your blueprint. Like, here is what life might look like if you were living in alignment with yourself. So if you see your chart and it’s like, oh, that’s not me. There’s a possibility that you may be, like, buried down deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper. And that as you keep aligning more and more with your true self, there’s a high likelihood that your chart will feel spot on.

Regina Foster [00:45:10]:
Exactly. And there’s a deconditioning process that the founder talked about. Like, the founder is Ron Urufu, and he basically tells that it takes around 7 years to decondition and deconditioning is just taking out all those forms and those patterns and those, you know, unconscious behaviors that you’ve formed through like mainstream thinking through your family that have been imprinted upon you, but are not your natural energy. And so that’s why it’s meant to be experimented with and played with. And through that process, become a little deconditioned and more in your own energy. And from what you said before about the people limiting themselves as a result of knowing these tools, I try my best in all of my readings to set intentions that take what resonates, leave the rest, and also do not let this limit you in any way because there’s so many forms of expression of an energy. In human design specifically, there’s energy exists on a binary. There’s that, you know, less expansive contracted energy, and then there’s the more expansive version of it.

Regina Foster [00:46:08]:
So no parts of yourself can be limited and we always have free will. And if you notice an unconscious pattern that you’re exhibiting because of a square in your chart or because of a gate that you have in human design or something like that, or an astrology, you can identify that unconscious behavior, know it, and then rewire. That’s the whole point of it is just to see yourself in a way and grow from it and to expand from that point. So we’re never limited and I hope, and I also make it a point to make sure that people know that I’m just reading the energy, but I am also a human in a flesh chute. So this is coming from the level of consciousness with which I’m at right now. And I’m always trying to expand that, you know, that point, but I am still a person. And so you are the ultimate authority over your entire life and your energy. So I really tried to say that during my readings and to really imprint that.

Sarah Tacy [00:47:00]:
Yeah. That’s so great. A podcast that’s coming out today with Pearson Beverly Waters, it is was it the 5th? It’s the 5th of March was about the boxes we find ourselves in. And so I I love even hearing the deconditioning, like, being a 7 year period. And I know that, again, is gonna change of how we interact with the information we have and we’re receiving. But, again, it’s permission to take time that it’s not gonna happen overnight. And so, yeah, their conversation had a lot to do with the boxes we’re in, noticing we’re in a specific box. How did I get into this box? What box would I like to be in? Like well, you know, just asking questions.

Sarah Tacy [00:47:46]:
And as we become more of our true self to go back to this the process of updating into our true versions of ourselves to keep asking, to keep noticing. Because even when we do that, we might put ourselves in a different box. So April 8th is a full solar eclipse. Yes. And in certain parts of Maine, we’ll be able to see it. There is a graph online where you can see if you’re in a part of the world in which it’ll be visible. Would you be able to tell us what this means to you astrologically, and if there’s anything else you wanna say?

Regina Foster [00:48:23]:
Oh my gosh. I am so excited about the total solar eclipse on April 8th. I think it’s so interesting that it is going to be over Western Maine. So personally, I’ll be driving up into the energy, and I’ll be doing a meditation, like fully on, like, I’m gonna be meditating in that chaotic energy, in that strong, unpredictable energy. Usually during eclipse season, I actually mind my own business and I stay home, to be honest, because eclipses, the ancients thought of eclipses as malefic, as, you know, a time of like great fear. So it’s not that I subscribe to that, but what actually is happening during eclipse season, which is starts well before April 8th, this eclipse season is gonna start pretty much we’re gonna feel it, you know, mid March into mid April. We’ll go into eclipse season. During this time, there just is a point of it acts like your Uranus energy.

Regina Foster [00:49:18]:
It acts unpredictable. Things of certain chaos starts to occur during these times. You become more aware of different awakenings or different things and situations that were unclear before you get clarity then. They always, most astrologers recommend not to act on it Sarah. Like the clarity that you get, don’t act on it until after eclipse season, after you’ve seen it kind of play itself out after you’ve really understand what it is that has become clear to you. So it’s interesting, like during these new moon or full moon events that are eclipses, I usually wouldn’t work with the energy because I would let it pass through me and to see what comes up. Usually I’m doing some sort of new moon ritual or full moon ritual during those times. Historically I would just leave it.

Regina Foster [00:50:03]:
I would just be like, okay, I’m in the energy. I’m gonna feel it out because it’s when you’re setting intentions with unpredictable energy, you can get a quick, fast response, but you can also get something really just unpredictable, right? So it’s chaotic energy that you’re working with in general for eclipse season. And this total solar eclipse is in Aries. It is very intense. It’s very Martian and I’m an Aries moon. I’ve got an out of bounds Mars, which means you just, it’s a lot in my chart and I love Aries energy. I’ve learned to work with it. I’ve learned to love it, even though I’m, I’m an earth sign Taurus that likes calm.

Regina Foster [00:50:39]:
I personally have like really opened up into this part of myself, into that Martian energy.

Sarah Tacy [00:50:44]:
For my listeners, can you describe Aries energy and Martian energy?

Regina Foster [00:50:49]:
Yeah. So Mars is this, the planet that rules over Aries, and Aries is the ram. Aries is very much that go getting fast energy. Aries is the pioneer. Aries is brave. Aries is the warrior. So that kind of archetype is what can encompass Aries energy. And so this, you know, new moon, the solar eclipse is in Aries.

Regina Foster [00:51:11]:
And so we wanna look in the sky for where Mars is at that time, because it’s gonna be very important. And in the chart of that solar eclipse, Mars is gonna be right next to Saturn. And anytime you have Saturn and Mars together, you have the forward moving propelling energy of Mars being stunted by Saturn. But what it actually does is it creates momentum and tenacity. It creates the ability to really stick with whatever it is you’re going to pivot into, whatever it is you’re moving towards. You’re gonna stick with it. You’re gonna put structure around it, and you’re not gonna just go into it without a plan. So I think that that’s really important for the eclipse themes that are happening during, you know, April 8th.

Regina Foster [00:51:53]:
If you can be in the energy, if there are any, you know, local listeners listening at this time where they’re going to Western Maine like I am, enjoy the energy. It’s gonna be very intense and we’re not gonna be able to see a total solar eclipse in the US anyway until 2,044. So it’s not a common event. I remember watching a total event solar eclipse when I was in elementary school. Right? Like, it’s been a really long time. It’s been a really long time. I’m beyond excited. I’m taking my kids.

Regina Foster [00:52:19]:
I’m like, let’s go see this energy. Mhmm. That was cool today. We’re going.

Sarah Tacy [00:52:25]:
So so I just wanna say, again, astrology is hard for me to digest, but I hear Saturn, and it reminds me of, like, Saturn return. And so what Saturn reminds me of is this idea of a turning point of who we are, how we put ourselves into the world. So I’m now kind of taking that feeling of how we are going through a transition generally with Saturn of identity. This may not be at all what Saturn is about. And then adding the energy of the ram. Yes. And sticking with it. And that feels really powerful.

Regina Foster [00:52:57]:
Yeah. I mean, if you think about Saturn returns, people go through an identity crisis during this time. So it is very much tied into your identity. It’s about your maturation. It’s about thinking about reality in a lot of ways, the 3 d reality, what’s in front of you, what can you actually complete that’s going to manifest in this reality? And so we’re putting that kind of energy with Mars who wants to just go and start their own thing and do things out of their own will. So honestly, together, accidents can occur. Like it’s, it’s not a great combination sometimes if you’re thinking about mundane astrology and what can happen when Saturn and Mars come together. So definitely take care, be careful that day, whatever.

Regina Foster [00:53:36]:
But in a psychic sort of way, in an energetic way, what’s happening in your psyche. Absolutely. It’s going to give you that forward momentum to stick with it and to work hard towards your goals or towards where you’re going and towards who you’re becoming. And that’s such a huge energy imprint. That’s like, it’s gonna be a theme for 6 months after. So it’s not gonna go away very quickly.

Sarah Tacy [00:53:59]:
Well, thank you so much.

Regina Foster [00:54:01]:
So huge. April is a huge month in our society.

Sarah Tacy [00:54:05]:
Like, 15 minutes ago, I’m like, okay. Now it’s time to close-up. And you say April is huge. Can you just say a thing about

Regina Foster [00:54:11]:
That’s April 20th. I’m so sorry. I could go on forever on this. Like, April 20th, we’re having Jupiter and Uranus come together in what we call a conjunction, meaning they’re just right next to each other. They’re going to be at the same degree. And when that happens, they end up blending energies with each other. And Jupiter is all about luck and expansion and future visioning and your philosophies and belief systems. And Uranus is the higher mind.

Regina Foster [00:54:36]:
Uranus is chaos, but it’s also access to aliens. It’s like the future visioning. It’s the ability to channel in information that does not exist on this plane. And so all of these astrologers are excited about this time because it doesn’t happen very often, maybe every 14 years, but it hasn’t happened in Taurus. It’s only happened in Taurus 3 times since year 1100. So we have not had Jupiter and Uranus come together in Taurus in a really long time, a really long time. So it’s all about societal awakening. It’s all about clarity as a society in the collective.

Regina Foster [00:55:16]:
And if you are someone who has Taurus or someone who has Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio in your chart, and you have it out around, I think it’s gonna be at 21 degrees 49 minutes. So if you have that at the later degrees, maybe within 7 degrees, look at your chart, then you’re really going to be feeling this energy on a personal level as well. So just, you know, look out for that in your chart. But collectively, we will notice advancements in technology. Taurus has to do with food, our food structure, our money, our, our farming. So there might be just changes in that regard. Uranus has a lot to do with technology. So lots of technological advances.

Regina Foster [00:55:57]:
Uranus also has to do with space. Uranus also has to do with aliens, right? So there might be more disclosure in that regard, and we might be awakened to other forms of life that have existed along with us in ways that we didn’t know before. So I don’t know what’s gonna happen, but it’s definitely priming us for, and I will not even say it because I know we’ll go down on a tangent, but there are big changes up ahead in 2025 into 2027. So it’s priming us for that, those big collective changes that are happening. So very exciting. I’m excited to see. Wow.

Sarah Tacy [00:56:31]:
I feel like like my body’s like, oh, I gotta shake this. Yeah. Feels big.

Regina Foster [00:56:35]:
Okay. Thank you.

Sarah Tacy [00:56:39]:
We’re taking us all the way into 2027. Sarah, also, for listeners who are listening, generally, most of the listeners for each episode are, like, within the first Sarah days. So I’m excited that this will land, like, just in time for that full solar eclipse. And, anyone who listens after, I’m also hearing that the energy continues on, and we just went into 2027, so it doesn’t matter.

Regina Foster [00:57:03]:
A lot of changes. We’re just gonna change as a society. Things are gonna get a lot quicker as the the big signs change or the big planets, the modern planets change.

Sarah Tacy [00:57:13]:
Well, thank you so much for your time. It was so great to have you here. Thank you for sharing your story. I think it’s one that has many aspects that people can relate to and are going through themselves right now. So it’s so generous of you to share with us your process. And I also just wanna celebrate that you are now in a place in your life. I hear you’re still making shifts as most of us do who are continually awakening. But that I’ve heard that you are feeling so much better in your body and so much more aligned.

Sarah Tacy [00:57:40]:
And if people want to work with you, where can they find you? I have done a human design reading. It was awesome. We did it as we were opening a ritual last year. It was so great. And so if someone wants a human design reading or an astrology reading, where can they find you?

Regina Foster [00:57:57]:
Find me on my website, which is just thecelestial, or or they can find me on Instagram, which I’m just thecelestial womb. So, yeah, contact me that way. And there are plenty of links to my various readings that I have available. And, yeah, it’s just gonna expand from there. And my my offerings, like I said before, are changing and shifting, but more into energetics As opposed to my lovely birth offerings and postpartum offerings, then I don’t know what to do with them yet, but they are morphing into something really amazing.

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Hello, dear ones! Today we’re talking with Elena Brower, a woman who has profoundly impacted my life due to the integrity with which she lives her own.

Elena is a mother, mentor, artist, teacher, bestselling author and host of the Practice You podcast. Her first poetry collection, Softening Time, comes out today!! Please do yourself a favor and grab a copy or two!

Together, we discuss the powerful nature of weaving self-care into our daily lives, respecting and honoring our children, choosing solid partners, end of life reflections, and love. Join us.

Join us to learn about:

  • The importance of having a deeply supportive partner
  • The profound nature of men’s circles
  • Parenting children with their humanity and autonomy in mind
  • The difference between repressing and re-patterning anger
  • Holding space for healing
  • Honoring ourselves and our deceased loved ones through the grieving process
  • Opening ourselves up to perspectives that differ from our own

Connect with Sarah

Connect with Elena

Welcome, dear ones. For this episode, I spoke with my beloved friend Tracy Levy while she was in the middle of a dark night of the soul.

Tracy is a teacher, a writer, and a guide. She shares personal experiences of finding grounding and support in the aftermath of a heartbreaking, unexpected divorce.

Together, we explore the ways that we abandon ourselves to make things work, as well as ways of finding joy in unexpected career changes and the process of self-discovery.

Tune in to hear more about:

  • The importance of supportive spaces
  • The concept of “layers of support”
  • Trusting your intuition to guide you
  • Practicing embodiment and listening to yourself


Connect with Sarah:


Connect with Tracy:

Welcome, friends. Today on the podcast, I’m joined by the incredible Cait Scudder.

Cait is a renowned coach, speaker, entrepreneur and homesteading mother. Her podcast The Millionaire Mother is a resource and a space for entrepreneurial mothers to share what goes on behind the scenes as our family constellations change and business values evolve.

In this conversation, Cait shares the importance of embracing the mystery and transformation that comes with taking wild leaps in the direction of our intuition. And together we unpack the archetype of the Millionaire Mother through the threshold of birth and receiving support.

Join us to learn about:

  • Approaching uncertainty and curiosity as a time to tap into soul’s wisdom
  • Cait’s initial hesitation about online business and personal branding
  • Labor and childbirth as a metaphor for the process of giving birth to a new idea
  • Sacred motherhood and exploring new constructs
  • Embracing archetypes and saying “yes” to embodying them


✨ Join me at Cait’s free online workshop, The Matriarch, August 28-30. Sign up with this link, and you’ll also get a group call with me on September 1.

Connect with Sarah

Connect with Cait