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071 – Regina Verret Foster: Summer Astrology & Planets as Mentors

Episode Transcript

Sarah Tacy [00:00:05]:
Hello. Welcome. I’m Sarah Tacy, and this is Threshold Moments, a podcast where guests and I share stories about the process of updating into truer versions of ourselves. The path is unknown and the pull feels real. Together, we share our grief, laughter, love, and life saving tools. Join us. Hello everybody. I think I give enough of an intro when Regina comes on to explain why we’re doing astrology at the beginning of this summer, how we can look at this as an aid to our thresholds.

Sarah Tacy [00:00:48]:
What I wanted to add is that I came in with a pen and paper and was taking notes throughout the whole thing. We will have a transcript available. If you’re walking, if you’re in the car, I would say, listen through, let whatever seeps into you and lands and resonates, seep in, land and resonate. And maybe it’s worth going back and taking notes or printing out the transcript. I said in there that I think I’m gonna actually go into my calendar tomorrow and put some of the dates that Regina talked about into the calendar. So this is just a little hello. You may want your pen and paper if you have them available. And if you’re walking or driving, let whatever seeps in, seep in and maybe then download the transcript, which you can get on my website or most likely on this podcast platform, or you could listen again with a pen and paper. Enjoy.

Sarah Tacy [00:01:40]:
Hello, and welcome to Threshold Moments. Today, we have a returning guest. We have Regina Verret Foster with us. And I asked her if she would come on to be a part of a mini musing, which means that it’s not a full interview about her life, but that it is a place for the listeners to perhaps gather some tools or some orientation points for various thresholds in their life, or in this scenario, a threshold in a point of time. And we are on the precipice of summer of the solstice. This will come out right after the solstice on June 25th. And even if you were to listen to this the 1st week of July or nearing August, we have some ideas.

Sarah Tacy [00:02:41]:
When I say we, I really mean Regina. I have no idea. She may have some ideas of what we might be on the lookout for. And I will turn this over to her soon, but I will say a few more things, which is that a friend of mine used an astrologer years ago as part of her business. It was actually it was Kate Northrop and she used it as Gen Resiope with her origin program. And Kate had a Tacy, and Jen made some recommendations on how long to have a maternity leave depending on astrology. And as that summer unfolded, because I wasn’t really sure if I believed in that stuff, I was just like, this is genius for so many reasons because I tried to put on some big events at the exact time. Jen had said to Kate, don’t try to do anything big at this point.

Sarah Tacy [00:03:29]:
And I was like, oh, like, things are really challenging. Things are not going in a succinct manner. So I think that astrology can sometimes give us orientation points as well as permission to feel into what we might already be sensing about wanting to rest more or wanting to go big. And so I asked Regina if she might come on and give us any clues of what we might sense as a point of supporting our own possible intuition of what we’re feeling. So welcome.

Regina Foster [00:04:00]:
Thank you for having me. I’m really excited to talk about the themes that I see, and I will say, I could take 2 hours and talk about the week, right? So we’re not gonna do that today. We’re gonna talk about just the bigger themes of what’s happening astrologically for the summer. And one trend that I noticed is that a lot of planets are going retrograde. So we’re gonna be talking about a lot of the different planets, what they mean, what it means when they go retrograde as well. And if you asked me today, hey, Regina, is it a good time to launch something or start something completely new in my business this summer? I would honestly say no as an overall. However, you know, it’s always dependent on what someone’s chart looks like. Sometimes retrogrades are really beneficial to some people versus others, but the larger scale view of what I’ve seen happening with the energy over the summer is very much like an incubation period where we’re reflecting and we’re reviewing the things we’ve already done.

Regina Foster [00:05:02]:
And there’s not a lot to support any rapid fire new things or anything that takes maybe some Mars energy. There’s not a lot of things or a lot of moments this summer that you’ll see supporting that. It doesn’t mean that it can’t happen, but that’s kind of the general theme of what I’ve noticed. There’s a lot of reflection and review happening for this summer. So that’s one view.

Sarah Tacy [00:05:26]:
That feels like a relief to me. Right? I don’t and and then you can tell me if this is true, but it to me, reflection and review could also mean I might spend more time enjoying my family and my kids and summer in Maine, which is so short.

Regina Foster [00:05:43]:
No. It’s so short.

Sarah Tacy [00:05:44]:
And less of, like, I need to get everything ready to launch this program that I can, like I feel like integration can even happen just by living life honestly and then getting in joy that things might start to go, oh, that in comparison to that thing I did and that project I did. Like things can come just by moving my body or resting my body with some authenticity. And I’m thinking, I’m hearing that you’re saying that is good for the summer if I’m on board.

Regina Foster [00:06:16]:
Yes. It’s very correct. So it’s very much what I picked up looking at the various energies. And I just wanted to take a moment and just talk about summer from a zodiacal point of view, if you don’t mind. Yes. Orient ourselves with what’s actually happening and what happens every summer with, you know, Cancer season or Leo season or Virgo season. Those are the three signs that cover the summer in the northern hemisphere. And one of my teachers, Michael Bryan, he has this wonderful book out there.

Regina Foster [00:06:43]:
It’s called, Mastering Traditional Astrology, and he kind of goes into this in a really poetic way. So I kind of wanna paraphrase or reiterate what I’ve learned from that. But the solstice itself, which I know by the time this is recorded, we have already passed the solstice, but essentially it means the standstill of the sun or sun standstill, and we’ll have the longest day and the shortest night, which is really beautiful, but it always happens in Cancer season. In Cancer season, the modality of Cancer in astrology is cardinal energy, which means it’s startup energy, it’s movable energy, It’s the energy to spark and start something new. And so you always have a season start with cardinal energy. And it’s interesting. Summertime, I’ve already felt the ships even though we’re not in cancer season yet, but by the time this airs, we will be. But we’re always shifting our priorities during cancer season, which is so on par with the sign.

Regina Foster [00:07:36]:
We’re thinking about our family more. We’re maybe putting a little less emphasis on work and where our schedules are flowy and our schedules if you live in the northern hemisphere, you live in a a place that has varying seasons, you’re noticing the heat come through. You’re noticing just a change within yourself, and that’s just so on par with with cancer season. And then we move into Leo season and that’s fixed energy. And fixed energy just simply means in that time and that season, we know it’s summer. We’ve settled into our lives as solar beings in the summer, and we we are very well attached to what summer can bring. And then we moved to Virgo energy, which is mutable. And that’s, you know, where we notice the change and the days are getting shorter.

Regina Foster [00:08:29]:
Especially in Maine, you’ll see, like, the light changing at the end of the day. And, you know, one day could feel like summer and another day feels like fall, which totally describes mutable energy, meaning it can change and shift and the season is not it’s not rooted anymore. And, you know, we we watch as kind of summer drifts away and no matter how hard we try to hold on to it, it’s still going. And that’s very much Virgo energy where it can shift from one way to another and have some flexibility in it. And I just really love that correlation between the seasons in the northern hemisphere and and what actually happens in the zodiac. So I just wanted to put that out there as well.

Sarah Tacy [00:09:08]:
Is Cancer a sign in my mind, Cancer had to do with, like, a lot of emotions and service. Is that true? Could you I am really, like, I’m 1010

Regina Foster [00:09:22]:
here, so No worries. Yeah.

Sarah Tacy [00:09:24]:
Me a little. And then I have a Leo child, so I have a better feel for that, but my listeners might not. But can you tell me a little bit about the energy of a Cancer or

Regina Foster [00:09:34]:
Absolutely. Yeah. So Cancer is ruled by water. Right? So and the moon as well. So just like the moon controls kind of the tides than the than the and just the general feelings and emotions within ourselves because Cancer’s moon rule that really does talk about our emotions. So Cancers are very known for being very nurturing and protective of the people that they consider their family. So it doesn’t actually have to be your real family. It’s the people you’ve made family.

Regina Foster [00:10:03]:
They go and they make family wherever wherever they go because that’s something that gives them security and water signs really need security. So that’s one thing about Cancer. But, again, being that cardinal sign, even though it’s water and emotional and protective, it is a sign that we’ll start new things. It is a sign that does need to go out in the world and know who they are in the world in some way, shape, or form. It’s just the way they categorize themselves is through the lens of their, for lack of a better word, tribe or family or group.

Sarah Tacy [00:10:32]:

Regina Foster [00:10:33]:
So that’s really, really important for cancer and naturally nurturing beings. They’re the the type that could anticipate other people’s needs very easily because they can feel into the emotional body. That’s kind of their first their first foray in the world is, like, leaning into the emotional and the intangible in groups. Yeah.

Sarah Tacy [00:10:56]:
I think I’m a Cancer moon, and somebody’s somebody made the correlation of Cancer and Kuan Yin or Mother Teresa, just that deep care. But if you go too far, then as Quan Yin, right, she eventually gives all parts of herself away.

Regina Foster [00:11:15]:
That sounds very much like Pisces to me as well, like a Pisces energy. So Pisces as the water sign, and Amy, we have the water sign, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, and I always describe I always describe Pisces as the entire ocean and Cancer is the waves and Scorpio is the bottom of the ocean. And so because Pisces is the entire ocean, that’s like no boundaries whatsoever and no distinguishing of themselves versus another person. And so, you know, a Pisces is is a like, Cancer is Pisces, but with some boundaries. And then, you know, Scorpio is the most bound like the has the most boundaries out of all 3. So, yes. Yes and no for Cancer because Cancer does have some boundaries. I would say Cancer can lose themselves in family or their chosen family, but not everybody.

Regina Foster [00:12:05]:
They’re pretty selective. And Scorpio is even more selective. In Pisces, it’s like anyone on the side of the street can have whatever they have whatever they need. You know?

Sarah Tacy [00:12:15]:
So That’s so interesting. I love the I know we’re getting off topic because I understand that Pisces is not the summer sign and neither is Scorpio. But it’s helpful for me when you talk about the entire ocean waves and the ground. I have a Scorpio baby as well. I’m like, wow. Yeah. Like, these really this helps make sense of it all to me. So thank you.

Sarah Tacy [00:12:36]:
And then

Regina Foster [00:12:37]:
is relevant for this summer too because we have Saturn in Pisces and we have Neptune in Tacy, and both of them come into play for the the different events happening this summer

Sarah Tacy [00:12:46]:
as well. So it’s good to be talked. Talk about any of those events or any of the retrogrades and how to Yeah.

Regina Foster [00:12:52]:
Well, the first thing I’m gonna try my best to do some sort of chronological order here, but what’s already happened is that on May 25th, we had Jupiter move into Gemini. And so that’s gonna be a running theme until June 9, 2025. So I I do think it’s important to say here just so people know, hey, Jupiter is wherever you have your blessings, and it just kind of a signification that your your luck has changed. Right? Hasn’t changed in your natal chart, but something else in your life is highlighted and where, you know, something else or some other area in your chart is going to have more of an expansion to it. And so it is really important to list to figure out where Jupiter is in your chart because Jupiter being in Gemini for the next year, you know, there’s a lot associated with that. There’s a lot that shifts in our belief system as a result as a collective society. So Jupiter has a hard time in Gemini, but Jupiter, regardless of what sign it’s in, it still represents blessings. It still represents expansion.

Regina Foster [00:13:51]:
And so with Jupiter in Gemini, the only reason it has a hard time because Gemini is a sign that needs hard facts and research and is a sign that likes to be curious about many different themes things, and Jupiter, you know, runs on belief. It doesn’t actually need to see the facts. And Jupiter also likes to have kind of a macro view on things, and Gemini likes the micro view and to go into many different things at once. And and Jupiter likes to have one running theme. Gemini likes to be everywhere. So so that theme will be there. And what I’ve noticed so far, because it’s almost been, you know, by the time this airs about a month since Jupiter’s been in Gemini, what I’ve noticed is that, you know, there’s a lot of over stimulation. There’s a lot of people who are overwhelmed.

Regina Foster [00:14:34]:
There’s a lot of people who have signed up for too many things, and they’re doing too many things, and they’re researching too many things, and they’re just like they’re just like, what’s happening? So mind yourself for that. Try your best with this energy to channel it in the best of things. Right? Pick maybe out of the 10 things you’ve signed up for, pick maybe half of that and focus more on that because it’ll allow you to get deeper into whatever topic. But I’ve just noticed that with myself and with other people that they’ve just been like, oh my gosh, I’ve had to turn off my phone notifications because I’m getting, like, overstimulated by all of the things that I’m notifications because I’m getting, like, overstimulated by all of the things that I’m involved in, all of the new chat groups I’m in, all of the new communications I’m in, all of the new things that I’ve signed up for. So I wanna just put that out there. That’s happening for the next

Sarah Tacy [00:15:18]:
year. You just described me to a Tacy for a couple years. It was like, I’m not signing up for any more courses. And for, like, a year or 2, I didn’t, which is amazing. And then I did 2 core I’m doing 2 courses at once, and then another one was being promoted. And Fred’s like, oh, this is so great. You’d like I think you’d really love it. And today, I was like, I it’s just I can’t even listen to the free part because I’m like, it has to be a no.

Sarah Tacy [00:15:42]:
Because I’m feeling so overwhelmed, it’s gotta be a no. I have to just be able to be present with what I’m already doing and most likely Tacy that down a little bit too because there are so many things. And it feels exciting to want to do so many things. I you know, that’s a beautiful urge that I haven’t felt in a while to feel like, oh, no. I wanna learn from that. And I wanna and somebody else I was just having a discussion with her, she’s like, there’s just so much, like, muchness going on.

Regina Foster [00:16:07]:
There’s so much muchness going on. We just had Mercury and Venus go into Cancer. So there might be some reprieve from all of that just air energy, all of that Gemini energy that we had over the past couple of weeks because not only did Jupiter go into Gemini, so did the sun, and so did Mercury, so did Venus. So so we had this, like, crazy concentration of air happening. And now we’re moving into water, which is more about embodiment and self care and slowing down and going inward. So they’ll be a little bit more balanced moving forward even though the Jupiter Gemini thing that is an area of expansion that will happen, you know, for the next year, but it won’t be as concentrated as it was during Gemini season. So

Sarah Tacy [00:16:50]:
That’s so helpful. Thank you. You’re describing so much of my life right now. And Awesome. You know, how great that is in Gemini for a year and what a relief that not at this concentration.

Regina Foster [00:17:01]:
Yes. Yeah. It it came in with a bang with a bunch of planets also being in Gemini. So, yeah, it was just not just me because I’d heard it from so many people that they’re just overwhelmed, overstimulated, signed up for too many things, too enthusiastic, started 3 books at once, like all the things. So I was definitely there too, and I had to slow myself down.

Sarah Tacy [00:17:21]:
Well, thank you for that.

Regina Foster [00:17:23]:
So yeah. And, you know, getting into what we’ll be experiencing pretty soon, like all of the retrograde planets, One theme that I’ve noticed with all of the things happening with with summer is there’s a lot of, oddly, Capricorn energy and a lot of Saturn energy for our summer, even though our summer is about, you know, relaxing and being with our family. There is an energetic calling to remember your goals and stay accountable as well. So we’ll get into that and I’ll just, I’ll just start talking about what’s happening. So the first thing that I jotted down was June 29th. We have Saturn going retrograde at 3:0:6 PM Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Time, and that’s gonna be retrograde until November 15th. So the entire summer into the fall, Saturn will be retrograde or stationing retrograde. And it will be at 19 degrees and going to 12 degrees.

Regina Foster [00:18:19]:
And I’ll explain what all of that means, Pisces. And basically wherever Saturn is transiting in our own charts or in our own lives, it’s an area of life where we’re basically creating new boundaries. We’re creating dimension. We’re creating structure and form. And it’s interesting to have Saturn in Pisces, which is the boundaryless sign. Obviously, Saturn doesn’t like being there, but it’s making you kind of create boundaries around your belief system, around your spirituality, around the areas of your life that are, you know, needing more structure or have been a little bit amorphous to you. So that’s been the lesson since Saturn’s been in Pisces, but Saturn’s been in Pisces for quite a bit of time and just, you know, when it goes retrograde on June 29th, the best thing to do is to think about the last 3 months or the last I will say it’s going over the degrees that have happened since March. So think about your life from mid March to now because you’ll be reviewing all that’s basically gone on since then.

Regina Foster [00:19:18]:
So, you know, this is this is a way where we relearn these lessons or we evaluate the effectiveness of what what was there, what’s come before, or whatever we’ve already learned. So just ask yourself what lessons you’ve learned since mid Sarah, You know, what Mary merits review and reflection and what’s not working anymore because it’s really important to let go of that and, you know, figure out what’s ineffective in evaluating all of that. One thing about Saturn is that depending on, you know, what it’s doing in your chart, especially if it it’s aspecting your sun sign or anything like that, you might feel a shift, maybe some lethargy or, you know, just a little bit more depressed from what you were before. Just when Saturn, especially when it goes retrograde, it’s kind of like a it’s a time to go inward psychologically, but because Saturn is such a hard planet sometimes to deal with, you might feel a little lethargic because you’re confronting the hardest parts of yourself, which is really interesting. So that’s happening pretty much all summer, and it is going to hold us accountable for the things that we’ve built since March or the things that we’ve done since March or the things we’ve signed up for since March. It’s really holding us accountable. Like, okay, can I do this? Is this worth my time? Because time is also something rolled by Saturn as well. And then the next thing that we have on July 2nd, we have, Neptune going retrograde.

Regina Foster [00:20:44]:
Neptune’s also in Pisces. Neptune currently is at the 29th degree. At the 29th degree of any planet is a degree that’s a karmic calling, I like to call it. It’s it’s degree that’s pretty loud because the ancients believed it’s the degree of crisis. So when something’s in crisis in your life, you’ve definitely paid attention to it. And so Neptune has been pretty loud for the last month or so or the last couple of months because it moves just so slowly. And this planet is a planet of fantasy, of dreams, of creativity, of spirituality, but also of disappointment, of escapism, of disillusionment. So if there’s parts of your life, especially wherever your chart has Pisces energy, the end of Pisces energy, that there’s a place where you maybe haven’t been paying attention to that area of your life, it’s kind of screaming at you now.

Regina Foster [00:21:33]:
For me, I have this going over my career point and there’s been a lot of disillusionment with like where I wanna go next in my career, but also so many creative insights. So it’s just calling you to really deal with that energy or look into that energy and don’t get lost in the fantasy of it all. And when it goes retrograde, it’s basically inviting us to go back into the womb state to in incubate, to really stay in the state of the void a little bit and be okay with that until there’s clarity. And so when there’s clarity, it’s like you’re a rebirth essentially. So it will be retrograde throughout the summer, I think into November, if not longer, because Neptune takes a really long time. So that this is a time to, you know, create for the sake of creating and not necessarily having answers for that creation.

Sarah Tacy [00:22:24]:
So if you have Jupiter in Gemini, which was expansion, but you also have Neptune in retrograde, which is going into womb space. Yes. So that is the create, but create without having to have a precise outcome?

Regina Foster [00:22:42]:
Yes. Exactly. Without having to have any structure to it because Neptune is a planet of no boundaries whatsoever. And that’s why we can we can see outside the veil. We Neptunian people in this world are able to see things we can’t see, to to access the intangible, to, you know, because there are no boundaries. There’s no 3 d with Neptune. We’re not in a 3 d reality at all. It’s like beyond that, but you can get so lost in the fog of Neptune that you’re just a just in a sludge of nothing else.

Regina Foster [00:23:15]:
So there’s balance to be had there for sure, but it does offer you insight into things that you maybe couldn’t see before. And it’s interesting because modern rulership wise, Neptune rules over Pisces, even though I don’t use modern rulers. But it’s interesting that Saturn is creating boundaries where, you know, the modern ruler of Neptune would be dissolving that. And so they’re both in the same sign right now. And so there’s a calling for boundaries, but also a calling for boundarylessness. Lessness. So it’s confusing, but it’s the both and, and that’s kind of what we’ll be living through this summer. It’s like, I wanna create structure, but I can’t at this point.

Regina Foster [00:23:54]:
So there there may be frustration there, but both callings are pretty strong. And they’re happening at different degrees of different points of your chart, even though it’s the same sign. And July 5th, we have kind of a new start. We have the new moon in Cancer, which is always a really beautiful time. This new moon will be, you know, pretty harmonious as far as what I’ve seen with with the different aspects that are happening. So the new moon, anytime you have a new moon, it’s a great time to start something new. It’s a great time to set new goals. It’s a great time to plant seeds.

Regina Foster [00:24:28]:
So the new moon in Cancer will be a great time to nurture yourself, nurture your relationships, nurture your your familial ties or, you know, your friendships or whatever community you’ve built around yourself, that’s a great time to like focus in on that, you know, just as a goal as well. I will be near the water no matter what. So so I really am excited about the new moon. But, yeah, it’s it’s a feeling of having a fresh start as well. So even though we’ll be kind of in this, like, Neptunian fog and Saturn will be calling us to reflect on our mistakes and our and, like, you know, improving our lives in other in other ways. You have this beautiful new moon in Cancer where it’ll just be calling you to appreciate yourself and your family and to start new from there as well. So there there is some reprieve for sure.

Sarah Tacy [00:25:18]:
Like, July 5th, I am going to be on the water with my family, and we put aside a whole week to be on the water Oh. That week. And so I’m like, ugh, just when things line up that well, when it’s like, make yourself, nurture family, nurture friendships, fresh start. And I I feel like that is what that week is hopefully going to be for us. So that felt really good.

Regina Foster [00:25:41]:
I love that so much. That’s yes, absolutely perfect. And then we have on July 15th, Mars is conjunct to Uranus. And, you know, this transit will feel pretty strong for about a week. It peaks on July 15th, and Mars is the planet of action and Uranus is the planet that gives you these, like, greater shocking insights, but it’s also the planet of chaos. And the reason I’m mentioning Mars conjunct Uranus, even though it’s only gonna last about a week, is that it’s a really strong conjunction. It’s a really strong aspect. Anytime Mars and Uranus gets together, it kind of can spell chaos.

Regina Foster [00:26:22]:
It can kind of be, you know, a signature for accidents or sudden things that happen to you. So, you know, you can channel it into taking action or bold moves towards something very different or rebuilding something. Again, not to like fully launch to the public, but for yourself. You can channel that energy into that. But I just want you to be conscious on that day, right? Don’t decide to climb like the hardest mountain where everyone like has failed before. Don’t decide to go white water rafting in like the most dangerous spot of the sea. I don’t know. Clearly I don’t do these things, but just be careful on that day and that week and just be cognizant of like what you’re doing, what your body’s doing, where you’re at, because it is one of those things that like these sudden things could happen in a good way as well.

Regina Foster [00:27:12]:
Like the sudden, you can suddenly be catapulted, you know, into a new society or group. You can suddenly be, you know, awarded something for your for your deeds or what have you. But at the same time, you can suddenly, you know, notice something about your relationship or you can suddenly get in an accident of some way, shape, or form. And I don’t like to plant those seeds, but that’s kind of the shocking nature of Uranus. And then when Mars gets with it, it’s it’s, normally, if I’m looking at a chart, that could be a signature for surgery as well. So just wanted to put that out there, July 15th, just be really conscious of your energy that day, and you should be good to go. And for about a week, you’ll feel that kind of frenetic energy because Uranus gives you and Mercury, Mercury and Uranus both roll over anxiety. So if you feel a little anxious that day, just again, channel it into working out or just, you know, putting that frenetic energy into something instead of letting it bottle up.

Regina Foster [00:28:11]:
So I’ll put that out there. Oh, great. And then, you know, before this is released, we would have had a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. And July 21st, which is what I’m talking about now, we have another full moon in Capricorn. And so that’s why I’m like, this summer seems very Saturnian or very Capricornian because we have 2 full moons in Capricorn. And, you know, Capricorn is a Saturn ruled sign. And so that’s why I’m like, oh, there’s these themes of Saturn all summer. So the first full moon that we’ve had back on, you know, June 21st was about was that one degree of Capricorn, so just the start of Capricorn.

Regina Foster [00:28:52]:
And anytime you have, you know, a pretty big event like a full moon or a new moon happen, you wanna go back to when it was Capricorn season. What are the goals that you set? Did you have any New Year’s resolutions? Because now it’s calling you back to reflect on those and to see, okay, where am I at with that? And then with the up the, you know, Sarah full moon in Capricorn, it’s at the 29th degree, which I said before is the crisis degree. So it’s the degree where it’s like shouting at you to pay attention to it. So it’s giving you another opportunity to look back at the goals that you created at the beginning of the year during Capricorn season or, you know, just any goals that you’ve created in general because goal setting and staying consistent and hard work, it’s it’s a Saturnian quality and definitely part of Capricorn energy. So that’s there for reflection because the full moon will be there for sure. And it will be butting up against the sun, you know, in Cancer or the sun would’ve the sun may have moved to Leo at that point, but or it’s about to go into Leo, but it’s butting up against the more playful energy or the more family centered energy. And it’s saying, no, don’t forget about your goals. And so that’s what’s happening on July 21st as well.

Regina Foster [00:30:04]:
And then we have July 25th. We have another aspect, a pretty major aspect happening where Jupiter will be squaring Saturn and Jupiter in Gemini is, you know, again, Jupiter is all about your belief systems and your luck and your belief in yourself and your self confidence and your vision for a bigger life than what you have. Right? And so Saturn is like the the the owner of time, the owner of reality, really, and Saturn, basically, you know, you have this vision, you have all these goals. How do you make it real? Saturn holds you accountable. Saturn’s like, okay, you may have this, like, fanciful belief or, vision about yourself. How are you going to make it real? And with the square, you’ll really feel that dynamic tension between the 2 planets. And so I really actually like Jupiter and Saturn together because it’ll make you it’ll make it’ll hold you accountable for your dreams, essentially. So if there’s something that you’ve been brewing or thinking about or envisioning for yourself, for your life, for other people, for humanity, this is a really great time to actually make it real or take tangible steps towards what you wanna do with that energy because you’ll feel you’ll feel a calling to do so.

Regina Foster [00:31:13]:
And if your dreams, you know, you have no pathway to make it real, then Saturn’s just gonna say, drop it. So it’s a really good time to to get clarity within that realm of thinking, for sure.

Sarah Tacy [00:31:25]:
I’m just taking a pause to feel like, wow. This is such a blessing. I often think of my podcast as, like, a community service. Right? Like, it’s not it’s not something where I have advertisements and other things. And I’m like, wow. Everybody who’s listening is essentially getting a session with you. And you really put a lot I mean, I don’t know if Tacy seems to me that you really put a lot of time and thought and effort into going through this and going week by week. And I’m just thinking, like, come July 15th, if I go from, like, the high of being with my family all week on the water, and then I go into this chaos and think, like, what’s wrong with me? And why were my emotions so this way and then that way? To have a little predictability.

Sarah Tacy [00:32:14]:
And then you also said, like, and you could channel that by, like, exercising to help get the anxiety out or Mhmm. Even just knowing and having so as I’m looking through this, having some predictability of how my feelings might feel so that when I’m there, it’s more of, okay, knowing that these things are going on around me, how do I best support myself? How is there any way I can buffer my schedule to take this into account that these things might be going on? I have never really lived that way before, but I’m pretty excited too. Maybe this is my Gemini and Jupiter that’s like, I’m learning a new thing.

Regina Foster [00:32:52]:
I can’t wait to do it. I can’t wait to use it. Yeah. Thank you. Last year, I was so frustrated with my husband because I was saying words, and he was not understanding anything I said. Like, I’d be like, I need these sheets for the kid’s bed, and he’d come back with sheets for our bed. And I’m like, how did this happen? Like, it was so clear. And I just looked at the transits and like Mercury, the planet of communication was squaring.

Regina Foster [00:33:16]:
It still is today. So hopefully everybody understands what I’m saying on this podcast, but it was squaring Neptune. And that is just like foggy communication straight up. And I was like, oh, I’m just gonna stop talking and I’ll get it myself, and I understand. It’s like we’re all good. It just stops a point of frustration for me because I I really was like, my my mind was like, I don’t understand how this is not coming through because I thought I was being so direct. But in the air, there’s gonna just be miscommunication for a couple of days, and I’m like, okay, just accept it.

Sarah Tacy [00:33:49]:
But I just saw a stand up comic, and she’s she’s like, what do you mean you don’t believe in astrology? And I know this is not the point of it. But she was, like, kind of bantering with somebody in in the crowd. And she’s like, this is your opportunity. You can blame everything on astrology.

Regina Foster [00:34:05]:
Absolutely. Accountability, which was

Sarah Tacy [00:34:08]:
it’s clearly not the point here. The point is actually how do you weave accountability into and make choices with what’s going on and around you. But maybe I’ll just blame astrology for not showing up on time today. I am so sorry. Absolutely. I’m so sorry about Neptune and Mercury, like, really.

Regina Foster [00:34:23]:
You’re well within your eyes.

Sarah Tacy [00:34:25]:
Alas. So I interrupted you. You are on July 25th.

Regina Foster [00:34:29]:
Perfect. I think we talked about Jupiter squaring Saturn, and that’s pretty much from July 25th to the end of the summer. They’ll be off and on squaring each other, so that theme will go on for quite a bit of time. And then Mercury will station retrograde on August 4th through 28th, and that will be in the sign of Virgo and Leo. So with any Mercury retrograde, I always tell my Gemini ruled and Virgo ruled people that, you know, watch what you’re doing because it will affect you more than the average public or if you have any planets in Virgo or Gemini, this will also affect you. And for this particular retrograde, it’s going to be in Virgo and Leo. So even if you have planets in Leo or Aquarius or Taurus or Scorpio, this will also potentially hit at various planets in your chart, so pay attention to this. But in general, when Mercury stations retrograde, it is a time of, again, review, refinement, reflection with any written communications, any thoughts you might have, any commercial activity that you have going on.

Regina Foster [00:35:40]:
So, again, with business, I don’t recommend launching during a retrograde because there’s a lot of miscommunication. There’s a lot of things that you may have to do over or go back to. This is a time that people recommend not making humongous purchases or not signing new contracts, you know, unless you’re really dotting your i’s, crossing your t’s, really checking the information, really checking the wording of a particular contract because there’s a lot of potential for, you know, missteps or just missing something within a contract. If you’re going into a court case or litigation or anything like that, Usually, things have to be rescheduled. Any important meetings a lot of times during this time are rescheduled just because there’s miscommunication or mis steps or anything like that. So with regard to signing big contracts, making big purchases, you know, making new decisions involving travel or communication or just starting or launching something new, this is not the best time to do it. Not gonna ever stop you. You are a human of free will, but it is a time of, you know, reflection and refining what already is.

Regina Foster [00:36:48]:
So that’s my advice during that, during that timeframe.

Sarah Tacy [00:36:52]:
Yeah. I’m just loving that. Although it’s not a great time for a launch or a big purchase, that if it were the time that that lined up in your life to take extra care with looking over the details. And if things get rescheduled or don’t work out just as you thought they would, that that is actually something you can possibly predict?

Regina Foster [00:37:13]:
You can predict. You can anticipate. If you do have meetings during that time, which everybody will, right, just send that reminder email, that extra check-in because it’s it’s a time that, you know, there’s just miscommunication with time. Even if it’s in your calendar, you need to kind of double, triple check that someone will show up or that they can still do it or have the capacity to do it.

Sarah Tacy [00:37:33]:
Can you remind me of those dates again?

Regina Foster [00:37:35]:
Mhmm. August 4th or 5th through 28th. And there’s always this, what they call pre shadow, post shadow phase. So it’s like usually 2 weeks before those dates and 2 weeks after those dates where Mercury gets slower and so things get a little bit clunkier, but not to the degree of when it’s station retrograde. But it’s kind of like that stage where you’re noticing things are getting a little bit clunkier. And then when it goes back, to being direct, it’s still trying to gain its traction and speed. So things will slowly be getting better, but not quite back to its its normal strength. And then on August 14th, and so a little bit before August 14th and a little bit after August 14th, you’ll feel Mars and Jupiter come together.

Regina Foster [00:38:21]:
And so when Mars and Jupiter come together, it’s like expanded action on your beliefs, and it’s faster energy, and it’s really interesting. So all of the things that you did to kind of go more inward and not sign up for everything and not whatever, it’ll ramp back up in August where you’re like, oh, I need to get ready for the fall. And like, I need to just do, do, do. So that feeling will come back mid August because and then it’ll also square Saturn. So there’s gonna be more insight into what you sign up for or what you’re getting yourself into because Saturn will be like, can you do this? Are you sure? So it’ll be a little bit better than than at the beginning of Gemini season where you won’t over over commit because Saturn will hold you accountable. So that little event will happen for about a week span time, I would say. The energy you’ll feel it from like August 6th through 17th Sarah. But it turns exact on August 14th.

Regina Foster [00:39:16]:
And then the last thing I wanted to discuss, which is really interesting because Pluto is Pluto and Pluto is the part of us that is super, super subconscious. It’s the part of us that we may or may not want to acknowledge within ourselves. Pluto stands for deep truth and integrity no matter how ugly it can be. And Pluto went retrograde, and it’s also the planet of rebirth and transformation. And, you know, it can be like, it can be death metaphorically. It can be actual death, but it can be death metaphorically as well where you’re letting other parts of yourself die so that you can reborn into the new version of yourself. So Pluto is a very transformative planet, and it went, once it’s stationed retrograde on May 2nd. And so it’s been retrograde, still in Aquarius, but the biggest thing that I wanted to know is that on September 1st, it will retrograde into Capricorn.

Regina Foster [00:40:13]:
So for the last time in our lifetimes, it will be back in Capricorn, and it what what will it be at? It will be at the crisis degree of 29 degrees. So there is just a major calling, and that’s why I’m like, okay. Capricorn is a theme here, and Saturn is a theme here. So everything that you learned, and I would say the last from 2,008 to 2023 when Pluto was in Capricorn, what are the lessons you’ve learned? And I would say, think about 2023 in particular. What do you need to go back and rebuild or or let die from that energy? For me, I have Capricorn in my 7th house of marriage and business partnerships, so I know there’s gonna be a review of what what do I want to move forward? I’m I’m celebrating 10 years of marriage, August 23rd. And so I know there’s gonna be a review of our relationship and what do we wanna continue as being married for 10 years. Like, how do we wanna continue being married for the next 10 years, for the next 20 years, for the next 30 years? So I’m gonna take that time to really review the good, the bad, the ugly, the deep stuff, and to just be in a really intimate moment in conversation with my partner about how we see our lives moving forward. So that’s one way you can channel it if Capricorn energy is on your 7th house.

Regina Foster [00:41:31]:
But look at where Capricorn energy is in your chart and you’ll be able to find out where you need to dig deep and where you need to transform for the last time. Because again, it’s that karmic calling at 29 degrees. Where do you need to transform? Where do you need to reflect and review and to to change until, you know, it goes back into Aquarius. And it’ll go back into Aquarius and go direct station direct on October 11th. So the end of summer, it starts where it goes retrograde into Capricorn, and then, you know, by the fall, by October 11th, it’ll be back in Aquarius. So that’s my summer update.

Sarah Tacy [00:42:11]:
Wow. Thank you so much. I think I’m leaving multiple stories in my head, and I’m aware of what my summer schedule looks like. And I’m aware of the various projects that I have going on in my life. And a lot of this actually feels really beneficial Mhmm. For me. Even, you know, the day where you said, like so I think of Mars as the planet of war. Is that true? Yeah.

Sarah Tacy [00:42:39]:
And when you said Uranus, great greater shocking insights, and so when they come together, there could be some chaos. So, you know, in a spiritual view, everything could be we could gain something from whatever hardship happens. Mhmm. So I’m not saying that I’m looking forward to all of it. And and it’s the first time that I’ve ever thought about these planets and these signs almost like angels, if you will. Yeah. I’ve never really thought of that as that there might be these mentor energies

Regina Foster [00:43:15]:

Sarah Tacy [00:43:15]:
That are like, oh, that’s so great. And I see that this in life or this zodiac sign is pulling you there. But I’m gonna add in my expertise to here, which is, you know, Saturn being time, and I don’t know if you said discipline, but hard work and holding you accountable. And that just sounds like a real mentor that is there whether what whether or not you need them. And I don’t know if this is accurate because I don’t know enough about Zen Buddhism. I often think of Zen masters as not there to please you, but to give you the lessons in sometimes the most direct ways and sometimes pretty hard ways. Got it. I don’t know if that’s true.

Sarah Tacy [00:43:53]:
But as you’re describing this, I’m starting to see these planets as mentors who just are who they are with the medicine they have, and it’s coming into your life whether or not you’re conscious of it. And so this allows listeners, if they choose to be a little bit more conscious of what mentors Tacy be working with them behind the scenes.

Regina Foster [00:44:12]:
Oh my gosh. I love that so much. Yeah. Saturn is like, you

Sarah Tacy [00:44:16]:
know, you

Regina Foster [00:44:17]:
know, I went to law school and they had this concept called cold calling, and I don’t I’ve never heard it outside of the law school context, but when professors would cold call, they essentially call on you unprompted about something they’re asking about about a lesson that you may or may not know. Right? So they’re teaching and then they’ll they’ll essentially call on you unprompted to answer whatever it is that they’re asking. And so that used to scare the crap out of me because lots of students didn’t know what to say or what to how to answer. And it seemed like a shocking way to kind of learn, but through time and through the course, right, through that semester, people got better and better about thinking on their feet. People were more prepared to class. People were more you know, it just it teaches you in a way that’s, like, pretty harsh, but it Not tender. It’s not a tender way.

Sarah Tacy [00:45:04]:
It’s not tender. They’re not they’re not, like you know, in a lot of nervous system work, we’re really concerned about creating safety and many layers of support before we touch into what’s hard, but some of these teachers are not as concerned with that. Yes. Like, the lesson is coming whether or not you have all your resources in place. Yes. It’s coming.

Regina Foster [00:45:25]:
Yes. And Jupiter Jupiter is like the it’s like a teacher who helps expand your vision where you feel really safe with them, but they could give you too much. It’s like it’s like the teacher that continues to give you candy no matter what unprompted candy every day, lots of candy, so much sugar, no limits ever, whatsoever. And then you have to find out for yourself where your limitations are, how much you can expand. Right? When your teeth are running out of your mouth to learn something, But it was all given to you because out of love, but you need to know your own limits and you form them yourself. But the Jupiterian teacher is going to just give you everything so you can work with whatever you want and learn in your own way. So they’re very different mentors.

Sarah Tacy [00:46:09]:
It helped that helps me so much because I have recently just understood Jupiter as the planet of good luck and fortune. And I love to see how everything that has a light has a shadow and everything that has a shadow has a light. Yep. And so to think of that teacher just giving you candy and congratulations, and here’s an award for showing up, and anything you want is yours, like the permissive parenting Yeah. Where it may feel good in the moment, but it doesn’t necessarily help yeah. So I’m just really getting excited about this idea right now. Here are all the courses. Every course you’ve ever wanted, it’s available for you.

Regina Foster [00:46:49]:
Exactly. Exactly. And then

Sarah Tacy [00:46:51]:
you get burnt out and, completely exhausted because we didn’t put our own limits on. And then I love the idea that Saturn could come in at the same time and say like, okay, great, and this. Yeah. All these different combinations of mentors coming together. Yes. And then I feel like that’s where our sovereignty shows up.

Regina Foster [00:47:11]:
Yes. Exactly. I love it. Absolutely. So you think Neptune, Neptune can give you the Tacy. It could help you see beyond things, but it also can give you addiction issues and escapism problems

Sarah Tacy [00:47:26]:
because you never wanna return to Saturn reality. So there’s that.

Regina Foster [00:47:26]:
They all balance each other out, and I do see them as mentors and teachers, And I really love that you put it that way.

Sarah Tacy [00:47:36]:
When you said that about Neptune, I was thinking I was I had a really rough time and it was probably beginning of COVID and second child and and I was having these, like, total escapism thoughts. And that’s how my mentor named them. She’s like, that’s escapism. Mhmm. Oh, because they feel really real, and I feel like I really wanna just like

Regina Foster [00:47:57]:
Yes. I think I’m just gonna leave and move to this place

Sarah Tacy [00:48:00]:
and do this thing. And and that there is a certain beautiful health when you’re in a really hard place where you just don’t know if you can survive it to be able to use your imagination of a different possibility that might actually come to fruition at some point at a later time, but not to become disillusioned by it or not to lose a rooting to what is here and now and your place here and now. So to be able to hold it lightly and to hold it with gratitude without squeezing it and not letting it go and and, like, Yes. I love that. What’s actually here.

Regina Foster [00:48:41]:
Yeah. You just sparked my mind too because, like, postpartum is such a Neptunian time, like in general. And I’m like, I just put that together in my brain when you were saying that, and it was compounded upon itself, obviously, during COVID because that’s that’s like forced isolation, and you’re isolated also with a new baby and all of that. So, yeah, postpartum can be the most creative time in your life. Right? But it’s it’s so boundaryless. It’s so, you know, it’s so creative, but there’s so much disappointment that comes with it too, and disappointment is also a marker of Neptune. So knowing your sovereignty, like you said before, when you have these energies present within yourself is how you can hold all of them in a healthy way. Right? So I love that.

Sarah Tacy [00:49:27]:
I never thought of postpartum as my most creative time. And disappointment, though, I can really relate to, not in my children, but just like I’m like, oh, wait. What is life now? And where is the person I, like, really get excited about? And I can imagine that maybe the disappointment would come from having the visions and dreams of what could be, but not having the ener this is for me, but not having the energy or resources. So many people.

Regina Foster [00:49:57]:
It’s definitely me too. That was definitely me too. Absolutely. Wow.

Sarah Tacy [00:50:02]:
There’s just a part of me that’s so lit up right now. I’m like, okay. I know this is a mini music. I know, but I I’m in this moment seeing things in ways I’ve never seen them before.

Regina Foster [00:50:12]:
Yeah. Same thing. Thank you.

Sarah Tacy [00:50:13]:
I often get very lost.

Regina Foster [00:50:14]:
Together. You, like, give me so many ideas of how to, like, phrase things and oh my gosh. Yeah.

Sarah Tacy [00:50:20]:
Same. And I wanna say it was so helpful for me because as I said, I really feel like a very one on one student with astrology. And the way you describe each planet each time or the zodiac signs, the more I hear it with repetition and from slightly different angles, the more familiar I’m slowly getting and the less it seems like a completely different language to me. So Right. I’m hoping for my listeners too that the more that they listen to you or Jenna Asiope, who are the 2 astrologers that we have on the show, and also just, like, the slightly different perspectives. Right? Like, it just it’s a way to get to know ourselves and how we relate to them. But I’m so excited to think, like, I have all of these planetary mentors and

Regina Foster [00:51:04]:

Sarah Tacy [00:51:05]:
The exact dates that you have given. I’m actually gonna go back. And I’m gonna maybe offer this to listeners to go back and put them in your calendar. And maybe I use Google Calendar, and then there’s a section for notes where I could put little notes about what Regina shared. So I took a lot of notes during this. It’ll be transcribed as well. And then I would love when I go back into my calendar to kind of compare how I’m feeling to what’s going on in the planets and just learn about myself that way, myself within a universe as the universe.

Regina Foster [00:51:36]:
Exactly. Exactly.

Sarah Tacy [00:51:38]:
Well, thank you so much for coming back on. You could any listener here could go back. We’ll have it in the show notes. Regina also came on as a guest to share her life story or a part of her life story. So you can go back and listen to that episode. We will also have links to Regina’s website. I think you’re offering 1 on ones for readings. Is that Yes.

Regina Foster [00:52:03]:
One on ones for a foundational reading. I think those are my 2 pop most 2 most popular. Foundational reading just to orient yourself with your chart. And then I also have a more advanced reading where we’ll go through the transits and the different themes for the coming year, the coming next 2 years. And we look at a lot of different charts that way because lots of things happen during the course of a year. So if you’re curious about how the rest of your year will go, I use solar returns, which is, you know, your birthday chart for that year, and a lot of other different charts to kind of chart out your next year and your next 2 years too. So if you’re interested in that, that’s available as well.

Sarah Tacy [00:52:39]:
Yeah. So if you thought it was really interesting to hear these dates, which might apply to everyone yet slightly differently to get them very specific. Like, when you Sarah, depending on where your Capricorn is, these are the things like, people would know if they’re doing a reading with you exactly where their Capricorn is and be able to be more specific as these dates approach. Thank you so much, and blessings upon everyone Thank you for tuning in. It’s been such a pleasure. If you’re looking for added support, I’m offering a program that’s totally free called 21 days of untapped support. It’s pretty awesome. It’s very easy.

Sarah Tacy [00:53:29]:
It’s very helpful. You can find it at Sarah. And if you love this episode, please subscribe and like. Apparently, it’s wildly useful. So we could just explore what happens when you scroll down to the bottom. Subscribe, rate, maybe say a thing or 2. If you’re not feeling it, don’t do it. It’s totally fine.

Sarah Tacy [00:53:51]:
I look forward to gathering with you again. Thank you so much.

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