Sarah Tacy [00:00:00]:
Hey there. Welcome. You are tuned in to the summer of adventure series here at Threshold Moments where I am sharing bits and pieces of what it means to call in to your life a little bit of adventure. As Mischa Schuler would say, there’s possibly adversity and venture that not everything will go exactly as planned. And how do we take those elements of clarity and confusion to help learn more of what brings us alive and who we are. I hope you enjoy this. And please know that this particular series comes out twice a week. So if you want to be notified within your podcast app, please subscribe by pressing the little plus button up in the right hand corner, and you will be notified when these little 20 to 30 minute episodes come out.
Sarah Tacy [00:00:55]:
Enjoy. And if it is fitting for this stage for you and your life, may you find adventure And in your adventures, big or small, may you find yourself. Hello. Welcome. I’m Sarah Tacy, and this is Threshold Moments, a podcast where guests and I share stories about the process of updating into truer versions of ourselves. The path is unknown, and the pull feels real. Together, we share our grief, laughter, love, and life saving tools. Join us.
Sarah Tacy [00:01:44]:
Hello, and welcome to Threshold Moments. This is the final portion of the Scotland trip. It seems a little wild to break one trip into 5 pieces, but alas, there was something for each part, something I can take away. And this one for sure is the one I’ve had a harder time sitting down, trying to put words to. The 5 point sequence, this last one being integration. Integration would mean, do I have an awareness of the ways this trip has affected me? Are there things from this trip that I want to take and weave into my life? Or is it a trip that just happens and on an unseen level, the weaving is also happening? It goes back a little bit to the preparation one where I said there’s the unknown preparation of when we just listen and follow the cues. And unbeknownst to us, we are taking preparatory steps towards our next threshold. And then there is the preparation of, I know I’m going on this journey.
Sarah Tacy [00:03:08]:
What are the things I think I’m going to need? So on the integration level, there are things that are integrating that are most likely in areas I can’t see, I can’t know what I might not know for a while. And then there are the more known ones in which I am attempting to draw out and integrate in. So I think where I would love to start is maybe to say a few things about my arrival. I told you I got to see my grandfather due to this idea of planning just the right amount and then allowing things to also unfold and to move with them as I do. And so my parents picked me up. I get to see my grandfather and get to see him smile and kind of have this, like, ever seen anyone last this long do this well? And I may have mentioned in the last one that right before I got home, the electricity came back on after having been not available for 3 days. And that our prayer on the trip was, may help arrive before I do. And so in short, I’ll say upon my arrival, things were not easy.
Sarah Tacy [00:04:33]:
And there were early, early morning doctor’s appointments for me to get my kids to and getting the cats fixed and their stitches come out and going back. And then my grandfather passing and his service was on the solar eclipse. And then I got sick because I had been kind of staying ahead of this thing that my whole family steady walking 1 foot in front of the other, and I felt so steady. But at the end of that steady walking one foot in front of the other, and also assisting alchemical alignment, and the last portion module 7 touches into the heart. Like, Oh, do I have access to my heart? Is that there? So here in my integration, I say, Thank you for the things that are planned and unplanned. Thank you for the wisdom of my body to open the aperture of my heart to the degree that I have the capacity to be with so that I can be as present as possible for the circumstances that are in front of me. And thank you for the same whisper that came before the trip to visit me again weeks later to say, It’s been weeks since you’ve seen any friends. That if anyone is listening to this and you feel this pull too, that you don’t have to go to Scotland or on a retreat to have a sacred connection.
Sarah Tacy [00:06:23]:
And as soon as I noticed that twin, as soon as I started to notice that kind of like like that dimness inside of me of like, Oh, some some vitamins, some nourishing element is missing here. Oh, right. One thing that brings me alive is circling in a sacred sisterhood. Working out with women, laughing with women, dipping in the ocean with women, deep conversation, dancing. So I got to have some really great conversations just via the phone, which I don’t generally use, but also going to Sarah Jenks’ ceremony, which tapped into feminine rage, which brought something else alive in me. I’m like, is this part of integration? And I think it is because I think one of the lessons of this trip was to see with eyes beyond my vision, beyond just seeing everything as I’ve once known it, to see the way that like at the falconry, some of our wild senses have been tamed. And then to be in a space with other women who are saying, I want to wake up. I want to see some of the things that I’m not seeing.
Sarah Tacy [00:07:49]:
I want to know the parts of myself that I’ve been told are unacceptable. What happens when that wild is made available? Oh, I just want to say I felt so alive. I didn’t know I needed it so much to have a place that felt safe to yell and scream and growl. If you could imagine, maybe like 50 women around this huge bonfire and Sarah banging her drum and kind of taunting the people pleasers or the good ones in us to say, what else is there? And to have a place to let it out is was powerful for me. It was right time, right place for me. I saw parts of myself where I could see that because of my love being so great, say for any one family member or any one friend or even my kids, that whatever anger I felt would be suppressed. And you can think about this in the way that an animal is tamed to. Like, Oh, that’s the person that feeds me.
Sarah Tacy [00:08:50]:
That’s a person that houses me. That’s the person that loves me. I’m in a hole, I’m going to suppress some of this anger. I’m going to learn how to train myself in ways that I’m gonna be more acceptable to fit in, to belong. It’s a survival mechanism. So I’ve been privileged to be able to have points since I’ve been home to access more of the wild. And another thing I’ll say is like, I was pruning a tree at our house and I was climbing higher and higher into the tree. And this may sound so silly, but I’m up there and I’m pruning the tree and I am trying to reach further.
Sarah Tacy [00:09:34]:
And this idea that you’re cutting off the parts that are no longer alive and aren’t going to come back to life. So that the parts that want to come to life, that want to spread, can spread. So of course there’s an analogy in there, but I’m going to keep with the fact that when I was high in the tree, I was like, I love climbing trees. I’m thinking most of my listeners are gonna be like, this is not me. I can’t relate. But the thing is, part of the integration is to notice all the little parts where I start to come alive. Oh, yeah. When I was a kid, I spent hours in trees, high up in trees, higher than I probably should have been in trees.
Sarah Tacy [00:10:20]:
Feeling those like three points of connections and how you use your body in certain ways and hang from other places and the view and the connection. And from high up, there’s like nothing to be done. You’re just looking at the other trees and the birds and this, you know, this bird’s eye perspective that you get. So coming back, there has been challenge. There have been opportunities to feel more of my wild, more of my rage. There has been an opportunity to talk to Doctor. Don St. John, who also talks about the wild and the rage and the love and the heart.
Sarah Tacy [00:11:00]:
And I’m finding that over and over again, the theme of heart keeps coming up since the time of my return. So he and I will do another follow-up podcast. He talked about a spiritual awakening through his heart, about the heart as almost like an octopus with tentacles with this wise fluid pumping through your body. And when I got on the plane, so if I haven’t lost you yet, we were the aperture of your heart opening to the degree of which you have the capacity, the still listening for the whispers of what lights you up and the heart that the heart is not just for love, but the heart is also possibly for rage. Because what is rage and anger, but a protective mechanism to say a boundary has been crossed that violates the direction of my heart, violates what I believe in from the depth of my heart, from the depth of my bone. And so when people say lead from the heart, and some fear that we would lead in a meek way, that we would be a doormat, I would beg to differ. I would say that if we are leading from the heart, we would lead with such clear boundaries, with fierceness and compassion and inclusion and right relationship, right distance. I imagine there would be so much integrity.
Sarah Tacy [00:12:44]:
And when we lead from the heart, there is also a place of, is this true for me? Is this self love? On my way home, I took out the book that I had been carrying around with me the entire time. It was called The Celtic Way of Seeing. It’s a book I bought maybe 15 years ago when I was doing my consciousness studies masters, and part of it was to look back at my heritage. And so this had to do with the wheels and the four directions and the power of the horizon. And when I opened up, I opened up to this idea of the various ways of seeing. So the theme that started possibly to do with my eye and the infection, and the first quote that I read about watch for the people whose eyes light up when you talk about your dreams. Those are the people you keep. That it may not just be their eyes that light up, but also their heart.
Sarah Tacy [00:13:46]:
Their heart that has a way bigger magnetic field and electromagnetic field than the brain or any other part of the body. So in the Celtic way of seeing, they say the intuitive way of seeing, a spiritual way of seeing, a way of seeing in which the heart, the inner reaches of the mind and soul, even the body are transformed into a set of eyes. Celtic way of seeing is an intuitive way of seeing, a spiritual way of seeing, a way of seeing in which the heart, the inner reaches of the mind and soul, even the body are transformed into a set of eyes. That’s page 6. And it reminded me of a time where 2 women were talking to each other and one couldn’t actually see the other. And she said, I see you. And the other woman said, but you can’t actually see me. And she said, I see you with my heart.
Sarah Tacy [00:14:55]:
In the book, it says that in the Scottish Highlands, there were the Da Halu. I may be saying that wrong. The two sights, the capacity to see the normal waking world and the world of the spirit. There were the dream seers, the brook Tar Akar, and the vision seer, the Tar Shahar. And these people, they pay attention to what most people ignore. And again, it reminded me of the lesson that was learned through various women and various experiences and perspectives of, can we appreciate nature the way we’d like to be appreciated? Can we appreciate our friends, our lovers, ourselves, and the way we’d like to be appreciated. And this, I do think comes to paying attention to what most people ignore. That we literally begin to train our reticular activating system to see and perceive the gifts and the beauty that are always around us.
Sarah Tacy [00:16:16]:
And as we do that, and as we light up more appreciation, we start to see the way the world is working on our behalf whenever it is and beyond what we normally see. We begin to see the signs, proof of aid. We begin to see ways in which we are desired and chosen and appreciated. And it can start by paying attention to the things that are generally unseen. The book goes on to say that most seers are shaped by intentionally going at a slower rhythm. And this reminds me of alchemical alignment, and it reminds me of the work that I do with relaxed money. That as we go slower, we start to feel the parts that have gone numb. We give room for parts of us that we thought were extinct to come back.
Sarah Tacy [00:17:17]:
Momentum can be so helpful and it can override the whispers and the sensations that have tons of information for us. The book Sarah, entering a collective dream state where natural and supernatural merge into a timeless dimension. That the key to Celtic philosophy is the merging of the dark and the light, the natural and the supernatural, the conscious and the unconscious. Sarah little prayer at the end, a little reticular activating system activation. May I know, may I be aware that there are forces unseen that are working on my behalf? May I pay attention and be on the lookout for all signs from the unseen realms? My husband has been joking on me a little bit, how much I’m like, Oh, look at that. Look at the time. Look at the room number we got. Look at the table number we were given.
Sarah Tacy [00:18:33]:
Look at the rainbow that just appeared at this time. He’s like, yeah, the gift of seeing the signs. And whether you could say, well, none of that is real or some of it possibly is real, that it could actually help our physiology no matter what. May I see the places that I am tamed. May I see the benefit and the intelligence in why I allow myself to be tamed, or the places that I’ve unconsciously been tamed? May I also begin to open up my aperture for choice, to have a heart that feels the whole range, and to have spaces where it is safe and supportive to explore those ranges of the heart. May my vision be beyond what my two eyes can see. May my heart, my body, my spirit act as another set of eyes. And may this set of eyes help me navigate to be a tracker of my own life so that I get a clear signal when it, I could just say, Oh, this is, as Boyd Varty says, the path of not here.
Sarah Tacy [00:20:12]:
And this is great information. And as I stay on my adventure of life, may I look for the breadcrumbs, the footprints, the smells in the air, the sounds around me, within me that would attune me to the next right step every time I fall off path. May my integration go beyond what my mind could compute. And may my conscious mind also stay alert, stay aware, stay open to ways that these experiences can continue to help me grow and become more and more myself and surround myself with more beauty and more people doing incredible work on this Sarah to bring healing to the earth and to the people and to the animals. Thank you so much for joining me in this 5 point sequence and the summer theme of adventure.
Sarah Tacy [00:21:26]:
Thank you for tuning in. It’s been such a pleasure. If you’re looking for added support, I’m offering a program that’s totally free called 21 days of untapped support.
Sarah Tacy [00:21:39]:
It’s pretty awesome. It’s very easy. It’s very helpful. You can find it at Sarah Tacy.
Sarah Tacy [00:21:46]:
And if you love this episode, please subscribe and like. Apparently, it’s wildly useful. So we could just explore what happens when you scroll down to the bottom. Subscribe, rate, maybe say a thing or 2. If you’re not feeling it, don’t do it. It’s totally fine.
Sarah Tacy [00:22:03]:
I look forward to gathering with you again. Thank you so much.
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Elena is a mother, mentor, artist, teacher, bestselling author and host of the Practice You podcast. Her first poetry collection, Softening Time, comes out today!! Please do yourself a favor and grab a copy or two!
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